oxycontin street prices?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
People become dope addicts after they mess around with OC's for too long.

They start out sniffing them at parties and then shooting them up. Spending 80 dollars for a pill gets expensive real quick so they buy dope.

Then if they're lucky they will go to a methodone clinic if they don't OD first.

Oh really? Is that how it goes? So do all pot heads go from smoking pot to doing other drugs?

We Love 1

New Member
Oh really? Is that how it goes? So do all pot heads go from smoking pot to doing other drugs?
No need for the attitude.

I'm just calling it as I have seen it. Of course ever situation is different, but I've have eyes and ears.

Weed is not addictive, on the contrary, OC's are very addictive.

Do whatever you want. Its your body.



Well-Known Member
We pay $1 per milli here I would kill to buy $5 per 80millis. hook a bro up and pan head always get your scripts I will dispose we can't let this get into the wrong hands
Selling prescription drugs goes against everything i believe to be good in life,i have a good job & dont need the money bad enough to go against the principals i have,i recieve the pain meds i do because i broke my back & recieved 3rd degree burns over 12% of my body,causing life long back pain & deep rooted nerve pain.

If i wittnessed somebody close to me in severe pain i would give them free medicine to help them stop hurting but to sell something so deadly & highly addictive as that medicine i could not do,no matter how much money i could make im not that kind of person,Oxycontin is a horrible drug when used recreationally.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
No need for the attitude.

I'm just calling it as I have seen it. Of course ever situation is different, but I've have eyes and ears.

Weed is not addictive, on the contrary, OC's are very addictive.

Do whatever you want. Its your body.

It's not attitude, it was a stereotype just like the post it was in response to.

I've done enough opiates for 10 people.. never done heroin.


Well-Known Member
Oh really? Is that how it goes? So do all pot heads go from smoking pot to doing other drugs?
Your trying to make lite of the situation using 2 entirely different examples from 2 oposite ends of the spectrum,ive never heard of or seen a grown man on his knee's sucking cock for another joint but there are many examples of men doing this for Oxycontin,as well as robbing banks & liquor stores,beating old women over the head for their social security checks,home invasions,stealing from their own families,muggings ect ect ect.............

Just look at this thread,once i posted that i have extra Oxycontin that i dont take every month within minutes the offers were rolling in,that shit is a mennace on the streets & has no legetimate use other than pain control.

If your one of the people who takes Oxycontin for fun thats great,it's your life but dont try to make lite of the real dangers that shit poses to everybody who takes it,plus the thousands of innocent people who end up being victimized or murdered by dope feinds on the hunt for their next fix of Oxy.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I'm not saying that people don't go to extremes with it, or that it is not dangerous. OC is a main part of why my uncle is dead.. I know the shit can kill you and is addictive. But to say that someone who doesn't mind using it recreationally occasionally will become an addict, or rob, or kill you is a little off. Yeah, it may be more likely to lead to something like heroin use, $80 for 80mg or $120 a g of heroin.. hmm let's compare.

So I definitely get your point.. I just think it was thrown out a little harsh saying that like all OC addicts become junkies.


Well-Known Member
Well I have been prescribed Oxycodone as Percocet for pain. I try not to use it all the time. I've only had it for about 4 months though. Only thing I can see as being addictive is that it is very effective in making the pain disappear. Maybe that has to do with it being APAP as well. I think it's 5 mg Oxycodone and 500mg APAP.


Well-Known Member
50 cents a mg in my neck of the woods. that is still high for something that will rot your liver faster than moonshine


Active Member
I never offered to get on my knees dude you'll have to go somewhere else for that I have been prescribed vics and percs for my chronic pain from injuries and do try to only use as needed when pain is unbearible. I like OC for reacreation because it totally relives the pain maybe I am the exception but don't see blowing guys or robbing old lady's in my future. But saying that I will admit I see people whose life would be better if they didnot use opiates. I know everyones trying to help their fellow human beings but lets try not to be so judgmental as we do ;-)

Your trying to make lite of the situation using 2 entirely different examples from 2 oposite ends of the spectrum,ive never heard of or seen a grown man on his knee's sucking cock for another joint but there are many examples of men doing this for Oxycontin,as well as robbing banks & liquor stores,beating old women over the head for their social security checks,home invasions,stealing from their own families,muggings ect ect ect.............

Just look at this thread,once i posted that i have extra Oxycontin that i dont take every month within minutes the offers were rolling in,that shit is a mennace on the streets & has no legetimate use other than pain control.

If your one of the people who takes Oxycontin for fun thats great,it's your life but dont try to make lite of the real dangers that shit poses to everybody who takes it,plus the thousands of innocent people who end up being victimized or murdered by dope feinds on the hunt for their next fix of Oxy.