Owning a bong is now a felony in...

It makes 100% mathematically sense..

Bong cost ($10+) say 10% sales tax = $1.00 for the gov

Prison Cost ($40k min per year) all of the co's fit fica and sit $$ + fed grants state grants grants from the IRS for just being a great industry) =winner winner chicken dinnner...
No surprise here, prior to the internet I had to visit the brass section at Home Depot to find a pipe in Florida...and assemble it of course.

Only state I know of where it's still legal to drive w/a shotgun in a rack but treats cannabis like meth.

Jails and prisons are still big business in the sunshine state.
It's not just Oxy's..it's the pill capitol of the USA not the world.

And right behind it at #2... Houston, TX.

... a little more conservative though. You're more likely to get a one month max on Norcos (120) and Xanax than oxy.. From what I hear they are getting stingy on the xanax now and pushing somas..

I went a few times. It's fucking ridiculous... you sit in this little office suite with others like yourself... waiting your turn to describe your knee pain.. Then you spend the whole day driving around trying to find a pharmacy who will fill that Dr's script. Most won't.

No worries here
Florida....The Oxycontin capital of the world (you can get a "script" on every corner) weird state, Cubans go there to live and Jews go there to die.

Weeeeeeeeeeeell kinda..you can no longer doctor shop or get pills because of the states new cross reference system..
After operation pill grinder it has been substantially harder to get scripts, most of the doc offices were in Miami and little Havana. The ghetto or poverty stuck places you know, there's still some that do it but believe me as a Floridian it is much harder. Since it's mostly old folks here they all support big pharma as pills have never done damage to anyone and marijuana is just as bad as coke or heroin.

Palm Beach County was the was the most abusive when it comes to doctor shop.
you can turn pretty much anything into a bong[/QUOTE]

It matters not..Gravity bongs are quite popular down here..how many college students do you think can afford a 350$ piece and as far as getting caught with one? Who the hell drives around with their piece in their car ANYWAY:P
It makes 100% mathematically sense..

Bong cost ($10+) say 10% sales tax = $1.00 for the gov

Prison Cost ($40k min per year) all of the co's fit fica and sit $$ + fed grants state grants grants from the IRS for just being a great industry) =winner winner chicken dinnner...

Well prison IS big business..they have their own fucking lobby!!!
That's what they were selling at a head shop 10 years ago in Oakland Park(Broward), wood corn cob pipes.

So I wound up at Home Depot up the street.:bigjoint:

I went into Grateful J's in Broward..they have another shop in Boca and she said they can still sell but now we have to ask for tobacco pipe and that in order to sell pipe 75% of shop revenue must be from tobacco..she didn't seem to have a care in the world about it though..this was mid June.
No bongs!!!! God damn hippys! ...but of course you can carry a semi automatic hand gun in a holster, as long as you have a permit.

Actually, you can carry one around in a nice little black case like my young (22 years old girl) family member does, open it to show everyone and have the bullets fall out on the floor..um yeah, it's cool here..only in Fleorgia folks..only in Fleorgia.

Incidentally, I saw a guy at McDonalds this morning come out of the restaurant puke a few times...wipe his mouth with the back of his hand and go back inside..geeeeeeeeze employees these days!!!! Jk it was the customer..but stiiiiiiiiiiillll.
The strippers in Sarasota had to wear tape over their nipples, so Florida has always been a bummer to me anyways.