Owner of winnipegs only medical marijuana dispensary arrested.

Lmao, I got off the bus once on the s.w corner of the can post sort facil, sparked a joint took a big blast and walked around the corner to see two cops shaking down a homeless guy. Held that hoot in so long I damn near passed out.

Oh the fun times in wpg. Lol
Last years canada day I was walking around the Osborn street festival puffing joints constantly and no cop even asked me anything or even said anything for that matter. And I was walking 3feet in front of them impossible for them to not see and smell exactly who was medicating. I smoked one last week at the front doors of the public safety building no one said shit. Same thing a few months ago infromt of the federal court building on Broadway same building you go to to pay tickets! Nope it seems I can even get carded by the fuzz here.
Way to take a bat to the hornets nest. :)

It's funny there sometimes, I've seen them rolling over the rich dime bagger punks in the village many many times, but yet have also been passenger in cars smoking bowls and having cops ride up beside us and do nothing.

I think it's fairly true that the wps does do some profiling of their own.
Way to take a bat to the hornets nest. :)

It's funny there sometimes, I've seen them rolling over the rich dime bagger punks in the village many many times, but yet have also been passenger in cars smoking bowls and having cops ride up beside us and do nothing.

I think it's fairly true that the wps does do some profiling of their own.
But I'm 100% legal and was smoking outdoors! No anti smoking legislation in mb covers mmj. In fact I've read the laws amd it's all specifically spelled out for tobbaco use only! Vaping anything indoors is legal here currently and smoking weed if you have a valid document is a total no issue. I think they know they're being baited into these situations. Not many rec users will walk by puffing right in front of a cop. Some would but most are to scared.
Anyone else wondering when health Canada became a lawenforcement office. It says officers were forced to act from pressure from health Canada!!! Wtf maybe health Canada should take sometime and look at health care just a thought.....
Anyone else wondering when health Canada became a lawenforcement office. It says officers were forced to act from pressure from health Canada!!! Wtf maybe health Canada should take sometime and look at health care just a thought.....

You know prohibition is nearing its end when those who would seek to enforce it resort to the abuse of civil rights.

The 'cure' has officially been exposed as being worse than the disease.

Voters here in Colorado are a pretty self reliant bunch; we are the only venue ever chosen by the Olympic committee to TURN DOWN the games... seems a wise choice in hindsight, and we've led the world in medical and recreational marijuana legalisation. Jared Polis is a self made zillionaire, US Senator for our great state... and a HUGE legalisation advocate!
Quick question for Canadian citizens or American citizens with knowledge on this;
You know prohibition is nearing its end when those who would seek to enforce it resort to the abuse of civil rights.

The 'cure' has officially been exposed as being worse than the disease.

Voters here in Colorado are a pretty self reliant bunch; we are the only venue ever chosen by the Olympic committee to TURN DOWN the games... seems a wise choice in hindsight, and we've led the world in medical and recreational marijuana legalisation. Jared Polis is a self made zillionaire, US Senator for our great state... and a HUGE legalisation advocate!

You have to admire Colorado. I always assumed it would be my home state, California, that was going to lead the way, in ending prohibition.
Damn, I am extremely medicated, waiting around for the answer to a question, I assumed I asked.

I have always perceived Canada, as very tolerant and a proponent of legalizing cannabis. My question is; Is the U.S. government more open to legalization than Canada's?
Our leader says not a chance!
provincially is a different story...there are some who are for it...like in he US-Feds say no but provinces/states have a different view
National Election.......to eject the prick of a criminal we have now. You got now idea what a piece of shit the asshole we have now is.
Please send your military up to take him out.