

Active Member
1st grower needs help. A friend of mine started four strawberry cough feminized seeds approximately one month ago in 3 gallon pots. After five days all seedlings were 1 1/2 inches tall and healthy.

A month later three of the plants were still only one and a half (1 1/2) inch, and the older leaves are turning yellow and brown. Serious growth stunt. My babies are sick! :-( What gets me is that the older outer leaves are dying but the young smaller fresh looking leaves look healthy and green.

One plant grew vigorously compared to the other four, but still has problems I cannot diagnos. The strong plant has leaves turning yellow, brown, and even white at the edges. They are also curling up at the edges. It's not only top leaves but even the lowest leaves closest to the soil have dis-coloration.

I have read a couple of books and spent hours in forums for my buddy, but this is his first grow. I'm trying to help him but the wealth of information seems very subjective depending on the numerous opinions by various growers and what seems like millions different factors.


1.) Lights and heat

- Facts

One 400 HPS and one 250 MH. To get the seedlings to sprout after germination the 400HPS and 250MH were both placed 18 inches from the tops of the soil/seedlings.

They sprouted in 5 days and looks healthy and on the way. We kept both the lights the same distance from the young seedlings, which was a product of ignorance, and this is when the problems began. The soil dryed up almost instantly and fearing the newbie mistake of overwatering, we actually under-watered. More in the watering section.

- Research

Did more research and raised the both lights to 36 inches. This changed nothing. So... dropped light to only 250 MH at 2' or 24 inches, and still no change. Then, we raised the 250 MH to 36 inches about two days ago. The strong plant seemed to recover a little, but the three 1 1/2 inch seedlings don't change at all.

We thought the light and/or heat was burning them at first. Then I read that light burn only occurs on the top leaves or leaves closest to the light? However, my strong plant which is ~ 10 inches tall has yellow, brown, and golden leaves at the base of the plant, not only the leaves with the most light. Also the edges of the higher leaves are white.

- Theory

Thoght is was burning the plants so did the hand test and no burn on the hand. Also, people claim if its burn then only the top leaves will burn. Not the case in my operation, as the lower leaves are yellowing and curling.

2.) Soil and nutrients

Used Miracle Grow garden soil w/ fertilizer that feeds up to three months. (I know not the best medium, but many people have used this successfully.) Many of the symptoms of our plants look similar to nutrient deficiency or too many nutes. With seedlings however, there shouldn't be a deficiency b/c research says that seedlings don't need nutes and it shouldn't be overfertilization b/c many growers use the same soil.

3.) Ventilation

The four containers measure 2 1/2' X 2 1/2', but the room is 7' X 8' X 7 1/2. We installed a 70 CFM vent fan with two box fans in the room for ventilation. The room stays around 70 degrees - 85 degress (albiet it may be hotter under the HPS). I know i'll need to upgread to a larger vent fan, but do seedlings need as much circulation as vegetative or flowering plants?

4.) Watering

As stated earlier, I underwatered at first, but corrected the problem timely. I have watering down now, but again, the stunted plants won't grow. They don't die but don't grow. I read the chorine in tap water could burn plants, so this may be a factor I will look into.

I can't seem to get picks up, but will have them up shortly. They are too large to upload. I'm going to try to upload one below as a test. If not, I will have pics in up asap.


Well-Known Member
i got a friend who is having the same probs right now in soil.. any ideas the plant hasnt budged in about 3 weeks.. just sits there doing nothing.. maby more water? or move the light higher??


Active Member
miracle grow fertilizer will most likely burn your plants like that, keep watering them try to get the fertilizer out, and how many hours of light are you giving them? my first post, glad i found this site


Active Member
run the lights 24/7

I've been putting them in sunlight two days/week to try to eliminate light as problem...

Cannabox, what is root bound?


Well-Known Member
They wouldnt be root bound. Root bound is when theyre in such a small pot that the roots have nowhere to go. This is clearly not your issue.


Active Member
Remember we are novice (1st time) growers, so don't have PH meter yet. But I thought miracle grow would be close enought to neutral, due to the large number of growers who use it.

As for humidity, I assumed the ventilation would have taken care of that. Got a digital humidity/temp guage on the way.


Active Member
moving them back and forth from inside to out can put the plants into shock and will sometimes burn the leaves, that has happen to me as well. stick to inside and finish them out, or vice versa, but dont move them back and forth.


Well-Known Member
Well if your humidity is very low, it could severely stunt growth of seedlings. Seedlings like nearly 100% humidity. Too low of a humidity can cause them to shrivel up and die.

Having your PH off could cause a nutrient lockout- the plant cant take up nutrients because of the Ph, causing the plant to completely freeze growth.

Either one of these problems could be your issue. Also keep in mind that if youre using public water, it has chlorine in it, which would affect your pH. Any water with chlorine in it should be let sit out for 24 hours before giving to your plants so the chlorine can evaporate.


Active Member
really you should stick to inside the whole life cycle. but if you must just leave them outside if electricity is a problem and just chck on them occasionally. had to clear that one up