

Active Member
this is my second grow. hopefully it is my first successful one. lets just say im really good at growing males!!! im using miracle grow organic and i know that isnt a good idea so i am transplanting into fox farm ocean. im getting some sagging leaves and some yellowish burns on the leaf. i think my problem is overwatering. i guess my question is will overwatering cause a similar appearance to nute burns??? as i didnt have this problem with my first successfull male grow lol. secondondly i think my overwaterin is releasing all of the shitty miracle grow timed fert all at once. so maybe both overwatering and nute burn. any input will be much appreciated. i dont have a decent camera yet so any input on such little information is much appreciated.

skunk #1 nirvana
10 days from sprout


Active Member
also i have another question. has anyone tried miracle grow cactis soil it is supposed to be quick draining and has very little nutes in it? the closest place around me that sells fox farm is a half an hour away just wondering if I could save a little time and money and go this route if someone can give a little input on this relatively soon i might try this if not ill do what is probobly the right thing and go for a ride and get the fox farm. thanks again.


New Member
you are really better of with a good quality top soil mixed with 40% perlite(nothing with nutes).
dont give plants/sprouts any nutes for the first 3 weeks and start with 1/4 strenght mix and slowly build it up.
this is how i do it.when vegging i use miracle gro witch works real good.
and for your watering you really should get a moisture meter.the one i have cost 20$ and is very good its just a meter with 2 deep probes so you can test the moisture at different depths one probe is for testing moisture and the other is for testing the ph you just flick a switch on the gauge.but never give sprouts nutes for the first 3 weeks this could be the problem but its hard without pics.


Well-Known Member
do your self a favor and make the drive to get the fox farm or order it from htgsupply.com, get the ocean forrest and mix it with some light warrior also by fox farm


Active Member
thanks guys im going to get the foxfarm right now the place that sells it is an indoor grow supply place i think they should have a moisture meter. i hope anyway thanks again for the reply.


New Member
if you get a good moisture meter(gardening type)it should give you a list of all kinds of plants/fruit and veg and there watering requirements on it go for the same moisture as growing tomato plants.


Active Member
thanks ludacris i hope i can fix this as it is not to bad a problem yet. im growing skunk #1 and they are supposed to take some punishment so ill have to see what happens but if it gets worse ill just have to start over but i dont think i will. thanks again for the reply


New Member
its a must.if you live in the uk you will find it at b&q or homebase.
i have grown hawain skunk #1 from nirvana before and its a strain known for its easy to grow(novice).
i had 10 a fucked them all bar 1 whitch turned out a lovely 3.5 foot male before i chopped its ass.now i am growing master kush from nirvana and all is good using the methods i have said earlier.there 4-5 weeks in veg now and all looking good and beleive it or not they are all preflowering showing female signs.hopefully this time i will have cracked it.
any questions just send me a personal message and i will get back to you.
just click on my name and it gives you the option.
good luck.
the moisture meter ph tester i got from homebase also.