overwatering question?


Active Member
my question is weither or not i can give the plants too much water when watering below, meaning, i have my pots in trays and i am going to feed them by filling up the trays and letting them pull up the water?

my question is can i give them too much water this way, or if they dont need water will this harm them?????


Well-Known Member
Sure, it's possible to drown the roots and make theplant deprived of oxygen, but you'd have to keep them soaked for a few days for that to happen. Also, you shouldn't get into the habit of watering that way because salts will build up more quickly. Watering from the top helps clean the soil as the water washes out salts as it flows down through and comes out the bottom of the pot. :)


Well-Known Member
I had a problem doing that with my rockwool cubes, I'm not sure if it would be the same case tho:/


Active Member
the best way to water is to have your weed in pots with holes on the bottom and from there put those pots in a bowl of water and let the roots suck in the water they need. if you go this route you will not have a problem overwatering!


Active Member
to me i find that to be a good way to water. if you were to pour water onto the plants you can gauge but not as precis as this technique. by watering in that type of way the plants determines how much water it reallys needs than to let the grower to guess on their own. to me i use the technique and does a good job!


Well-Known Member
mm, ok i understand. the way i do it is to fill a number of ten litre buckets and add my nutes to it, then i pour 1 litre(roughly 2 pints) into each pot(3 gallon pots , 8 of them)i give them a couple of mins and then give them a litre again, another 5 mins and then i give them half a litre, i know by experience that this is roughly what they need. i will add a little more until i get a little run off. i use this method becoz it helps flush the soil a little to remove salt build up and i can water round the inside edge of the pot allowing the soil to get totally soaked meaning no dry pockets, but its up to you buddy. every ones got there own way and so long as it works then u aint doing nuthin wrong


Active Member
i actually do water from the top most of the time, but latly i have noticed that a few of my plants have been getting droopier leaves before the others, so i was wanting to water them from the bottom off schedule, so the plants that need water can soak up what they need and the others wont per say.

another question i have, is could droopy leaves be a sign of something else other than the plant needing water?