Overwatering or underwatering?


Well-Known Member
hey,two weeks ago this plant was overwaterd so i started
to give him much les amount of water-and now it still
dosent look good-its 6 weeks old and it looks sad
with brown spots one some of the leafs.
i also have three plant that are 4 weeks old and
have some serius problems becouse they hardly grow.
i would like to get your tips-what to do?



Well-Known Member
how many times do you water your plants? should water em like every 2 days. Check the pH of your water your giving them also you could be not giving them enough nutrients. After you do those things reply and let us know more.


Well-Known Member
you should only be watering every 2-3 days. Make sure your soil isn't wet or damp. If it is wait a day or so then water. Your ph should be between 5.5-6.5. Anything drastically higher or lower will cause problems.


Well-Known Member
you should only be watering every 2-3 days. Make sure your soil isn't wet or damp. If it is wait a day or so then water. Your ph should be between 5.5-6.5. Anything drastically higher or lower will cause problems.

I think for soil he is going to want that PH a little higher... More like 6.4-6.8


Well-Known Member
The most important thing about growing dirt is the soil. make sure you mix in sand and put some gravel in the bottom so the plant can drain properly. If you mix in enough materials to prevent excess moisture and enough air supply overwatering wont be a problem. In fact, the more you water them the better as long as the soil is properly mixed. The best thing to do would be to change your growing medium to something like coco which will never have overwatering issues and is much easier to work with. Many people get frustrated with dirt, myself included. Personally, I grow DWC hydro and get much better results.


Well-Known Member
oh by the way nute deficiencies shouldnt be visible at the stage of growth those smaller plants are at. The plants roots are probably rooting so the plant is growing more roots...using energy from the plant so they leaves turn yellow. Change your medium!