Overwatering or too much heat?


Well-Known Member

First the details.

1st grow. Starting Moms in soil. FFOF soil. 10-15% higromite. 400W 20 from tops, lowering daily. Plants are 16 days old and 4" tall. The temps usually run between 70-85F but last night they got up to 92F when humidifier ran out of water. No nutes yet other than the FFOF soil content. I was watering every day with about 4-8oz of water every day to every other day(too much?). I try to use the hoist method and feel the weight but it was such dry air that the soil was drying fast! I did recently add a huumidifier to the setup so the little girls would be taking up less water. ASs I type this I may be answering my own question :lol: Any input is appreciated.

The first and second set of leaves on all 3 of my little girls look like this:



Well-Known Member

First the details.

1st grow. Starting Moms in soil. FFOF soil. 10-15% higromite. 400W 20 from tops, lowering daily. Plants are 16 days old and 4" tall. The temps usually run between 70-85F but last night they got up to 92F when humidifier ran out of water. No nutes yet other than the FFOF soil .......................
Its not looking too bad dude if anything at all i'd say it might be a small touch of over watering but i am only saying that as i can see from your pic that the soil looks very very moist....
But that pic is showing a healthy plant dude....

Think you might have a bit of Newb Paranoia, not too worry i think we've all suffered from it at one stage or another....

Good luck with the rest of the grow dude.


Well-Known Member
dont let the temps go to 92 often or you will get some dimished quantity. Most weed requires the soil to get dry between waterings. Do not let the plants wilt.

The lift the pot watering method works.

BTW overwatering will greatly increase the chance of pests and disease.:spew:

Don't let the newb parinoia cause you to over care the plants. That is the most common problem.


Well-Known Member
Its over watering. What you ideally want to do is just wait til its bone dry and almost ready to wilt, then fill that pot up with water until its pouring out of the bottom. Then just leave it til its bone dry again and repeat this procedure all the time. Dry soil is just as important to the plants health as wet soil. You might only water once a week to start, and thats ok, as it gets bigger it will demand more water. Make sure you are using PH balanced water so that your runoff is about 6.5.


Active Member
If you`re not feeding your plant, you should, Just a little though. A plant always needs a little bit of plant food so it doesn`t get nutrient lock. Nutrient lock is what happens when plants lock in any they will find from the soil, etc. Give only a little, even when leeching. That way you keep your plant growing all the time. it seems your plant is ready for nutes already and you`re not giving it to them. Anyways start only a little, like a quarter of the recomende dose. (that is if you`re using a proper A&B formula, if you`tr using some shit like mirracle grow, then dilute even more. See what happens if you still don`t feen you`ll se that the plant will start yellowing all over. It needs food, and since it has a good light it will use that food. Good luck! :) I also agree with noDRAMA about the possible watering issue.


Well-Known Member
The soil it is in has quite a bit of nutes already. Are you sure?
Ig the soil your using has nutes within it already dude i would leave adding nutrients to your watering untill your entering bloom, As the guys said you don't want to over nute it or suffer from nutrient burn dude..


Well-Known Member
If you`re not feeding your plant, you should, Just a little though. A plant always needs a little bit of plant food so it doesn`t get nutrient lock. Nutrient lock is what happens when plants lock in any they will find from the soil, etc. Give only a little, even when leeching. That way you keep your plant growing all the time. it seems your plant is ready for nutes already and you`re not giving it to them. Anyways start only a little, like a quarter of the recomende dose. (that is if you`re using a proper A&B formula, if you`tr using some shit like mirracle grow, then dilute even more. See what happens if you still don`t feen you`ll se that the plant will start yellowing all over. It needs food, and since it has a good light it will use that food. Good luck! :) I also agree with noDRAMA about the possible watering issue.

FWIW. Nutrient lockup is caused by the planting medium (Soil) becoming either too acid or too base to allow nutrients to be taken up by the plant. In soil the proper PH should be 6.5-6.8, much higher and youll start locking out nutrients like potassium, iron, manganese, boron and zinc. Lower PH and you will lock out nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sulphur. Thats what we mean when we say nute lock-up, we are referring to a PH problem and not a deficiency or overdose problem.

Soil grows will generally provide all the nutrients a plant needs for the first 4-6 weeks, after that you should be adding small amounts of fertilizer every other watering.


Well-Known Member
I have been watering with day-old tap water ph'd to 6.5 so I don't think I have a nute-lock issue. I pour the water from 1 container to another and then back to give it a boost of O2 before I water.

Hopefully the worst is over. I did not water yesterday or today. I will check them again in the morning.


Well-Known Member
i do kind of have the same problem, i water daily but only a little, i think i will start using the advice of leaving plant dry. and my plants are also about 16 days old, here are my pics of them: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/141266-proper-nutrients.html.

but yeah i think im going to start watering only once a week
Alrighty there dude,

You def should go down the line of feeling the weight of your pots for dryness and watering,
I've been doing this since the 2nd week of veg and i find once you get the feel of how heavy your pots feel watered and how heavy they feel when fully dry your sorted and you cant go wrong,Remember your plants love the dryness just as much as they do when you water them, When the soil is dry it gives your plants time to obsorb the oxygen within the soil and they love it!!

I'm def having no problems with this method and would highly recomend it.!

Check my estimate thread out for proof of the pudding........lol.....:eyesmoke:


Active Member
FWIW. Nutrient lockup is caused by the planting medium (Soil) becoming either too acid or too base to allow nutrients to be taken up by the plant. In soil the proper PH should be 6.5-6.8, much higher and youll start locking out nutrients like potassium, iron, manganese, boron and zinc. Lower PH and you will lock out nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sulphur. Thats what we mean when we say nute lock-up, we are referring to a PH problem and not a deficiency or overdose problem.

Soil grows will generally provide all the nutrients a plant needs for the first 4-6 weeks, after that you should be adding small amounts of fertilizer every other watering.
All True. Foregive me. I forgot to mention. I allways grow my plants in Promix HP. Its a soilless medium so plants need feeding at all times. The great thing about Promix BX or Promix HP, is that I don't bother with any ph metering and monitoring bull shit cause it is designed to regulate the ph for you. Nutrient lock up in my case happens when only water is used to do a flush, or a partial flush. Doing the final flush two weeks before harvest with water only, I have noticed that I still get the chemical taste in the final dry bud. So, I flush starting with 30% of my regular nutes and slowly move towards 10% of my regular feeding towards the end, and the bud tastes not just good, but great. When I used water only to do a partial flush, nutes got locked up and the plant didn't wanna release or uptake more nutes beacuse it was somehow stunned. I needed about a week or so to slowly start to introduce the nutriens back and the plant slowly came around. Depending on ones feeding, sometimes it might be too late to bring a plant back if one overfeeds. Anyways I allways flush with a low dose of nutrients and everything is usually peachy.



Well-Known Member
What strength are your nutes, shakenbake? I've heard from several VERY reliable sources that if you do not overfeed you do not have to flush.

I am new and have no direct experience yet and like getting info from several sources.


Active Member
What strength are your nutes, shakenbake? I've heard from several VERY reliable sources that if you do not overfeed you do not have to flush.

I am new and have no direct experience yet and like getting info from several sources.
I just use regular generic brand A & B formula. I mix in 40-50 ml each of A and B per 18 or 19 L of water. Never needed to check ppm. I find that I can purposely overfeed some strains like sour diesel by up to 20%, but everything must be close to perfect ie: temps, ventilation, humidity. Even when I don't overfeed, cause some strains don't like it, I still do a flush and cut nutrients out two weeks before harvest. Believe the smoke is then primo. There are lots of remaining salts n shit in your roots and around soil/medium towards the end of a cycle. The people who I learned how to grow from always cut up to 90% of nutes at the end of a grow, and the smoke is Primo!

Hey its good to listen to people, that way you get a different opinion on stuff. Remember that there are lots of ways of growing. Some shit is science, some more art. I just happen to learn from people that grow great medicinal weed the no hassle way.

I usually grow in 5 Gal. pots, and water only if I can grab and pick the container up with one hand, and if feels light. You have to have a bit of practice at that. See how a fully watered container feels and then once fully grown plant will need watering every 2-3 days or so. I try and never let them too dry or you'll loose in your final harvest. Remember that tiny roots will grow and come up all the way to the top of the soil by the rim of the pot, so don't wait for your container to get bone dry.

good luck peace!


Well-Known Member
Day 19
81F 40%

The overwater damage makes me sad. :sad: As I posted before the worst is over but the crispie leaf edges just look bad. They are pretty dry now. No water in 3 days. Pots are pretty light. I will give them some water here in a few.

I am planning on watering enough that I can check the PPM of the runnoff. That will end my guessing about how much is in the mixture and I will know if i need to give them nutes with the next watering (In several days)

Pics in a few ....

EDIT: I mixed up some FF GrowBig to test. At 1tsp/gal it gives me a PPM of <400 @ .5

Mix up the order today....



