Overwatering or Nute Burn or both?????


Hello People

I am a first time grower from India. I bought ten seeds from a website and successfully got thru with five. I finished the vegetative stage with no problems but recently i put them in flowering and the leaves started to droop and some leaves from the bottom started to turn yellow. I am attaching some pictures for someone to analyze. Please help!!!

I have six 40 watts fluoroscent and four 15 watts cfl's in flowering stage. I also have a 400 watt HPS but chose to use the other set up since its really hot in india at this time of the year. Also advise if i need to change the lighting set up.




Well-Known Member
is that brown concrete you have them in? P lock-out secondary to over-watering/poor drainage. purple stems, blackish leaves, crispy.


Thanks for the reply!! I am using natural soil since it is available in abundance in this part of the region. I mixed some coco waste with the soil. As any new grower, i was watering twice a day with nutrients mixed in them. Why would the bottom leaves dry out though or die??


Well-Known Member
it will creep up the plant like purple death. from oldest to youngest leaves. dry them out. re-pot into a decent mix with lots of perlite. a couple of tbs. of dolomite lime if it doesn't have it already.


Well-Known Member
Do those pots have drain holes? I'd repot with perlite/dolomite added. Local soils are kinda a crap shoot.


Active Member
the bulbs are hanging down next to lower and mid branches, some of that is heat from the bulbs being too close, so I think you need more light for the tops of them at least. if there are no drainage holes the water has to evaporate through the clay so heavy watering or watering/drainage overall could cause problems


What is perlite exactly?? Because i dont think i can get that easily here. I have stopped watering my plants for the past two days and i am also changing my light set up to 400 watts hps. I have gently put some holes in the soil with a screw driver ( advise from fellow grower). The temperature here gets towards 40 celcius so i am keeping my fingers crossed!!! From the looks of it... I was guessing they would survive but what do i know??!!! Is this a gone case or salvagable??

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I agree its heat damage from the lights. Its certainly not a P deficiency, not a purple stem or petiole on the plant that I can see. Plus that really does not resemble a P deficiency at all....get your 400 hps fired up and park it about 18-20 inches from the top of the plants...