Overwatering? nute overdoes?


Hello and thank you in advance for the help. This is my first grow and so far it has been going well, but this morning when I went to check on them I noticed what seems to be wilting, yellowing of the leaves and ridges in the leaves. I water ever other day with an organic fertilizer in the water, which I apply with every other watering. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Active Member
looks to be overwatering. wait until the pots become light. i have some in those exact same home depot pot sizes i water every 4 days, also looks like you could use an hps. forget the floros and go hps!


Yea just went with the floros to get started when I get the funds I am going to go with a 400W HPS. Thanks a ton for the help, Nimboden


Active Member
The first picture looks like transpiration, the leaves are trying to cool themselves off. What have you got for a temperature?


the temp is always kept between 68-78 doesnt get to hot. Also if i let the soil dry up will they come back to normal? or am I doomed?


Active Member
will be fine mate. just dont let it become a major problem.

i've got a problem with fairly low temps, bout 68-70f avarage and the pots dont dry out quickly so the roots dont get the o2 they need but the plant that has suffered most has turned out to be my biggest plant.

i've even put an electric blanket under the plants and i'm still having trouble, i cant control the temp too easily because of the location.

think i'm gona add some sand to my mix and more perlite next time i grow to try to ease the problem.


Active Member
Just an update. One of the plants seems to be getting worse. (see attached). so can we say that this is a culprit of overwatering?

Yes, or it could be a Nitrogen overdose. What nutrients are you using, if any?