overwatered, overnuted, boron, or maybe calcium....trying different fixes...

Ive read through the stickies and think i may have found my issue but not certain, maybe a little verification or insight will put my mind at ease...

Heres my 3 plants i think ive overwatered/fed them, or calcium/boron deficiency?
GH flora 3 part

watered every 2-4 days every other is nutrient filled
never flushed soil properly
5 weeks into flower/ bagseed

i am speculating that the roots are somewhat "bound" by the overwatering i may have been doing since day 1


leaves cupping downward starting with the smaller newer leaves on top, newer growth is yellow, (although all the new growth since day 10 has been kinda yellow)
dark green plant
leave tips burned and curling down
lower leaves yellowing

temps night 66 low
day 88 high
humidity 40-50

Action taken:
Plant A: flushed
plant B: flushed and put a little CALMAG
plant C: transplanted and waiting to flush

seems like flushing an overwatered plant wont fix it but i gotta get the salts out i dunno, time will tell, well see how they each react.

I will post folow ups
I think you just hit them a little hard with the nutrients. Kool Bloom is strong shit. I'd give water only for a bit. My next advice you can take or leave: soil works best with organic nutrients.

As far as being root bound from overwatering, I don't think that can happen. Overwatering actually slows/stunts root growth, which will not contribute to being root bound. Roots grow the most when they have to search for water, not when they are drowning in it.

Hope they perk up for you.
Curious.......... You mentioned one plant repotted, why only one? The others, what size pots?
I can't tell, but pic 5 looks like several plants in one container.
Are you watering every 2-4 days because it is dry? Or did you just make a schedule?
I ran out of soil for the tansplanting... they were 3 pots just inside 1 container( 2 plants are topped). the soil doesnt dry out for like 3 days even at high temps. medium is 1/3 perlite,1/3 peatmoss, 1/3 jiffy starting soil. i flushed the transplanted one yesterday with some drinking water. i havent noticed any changes in the plants yet..