Overwatered Autoflowers?


Active Member
Hey Fellow Farmers:

I recently have my fourth grow setup. I'm running 3 auto flowers from Sweet Seeds (Dark Devil, Sweet Skunk, & Cream Mandarin) in a 2x4 tent, 400 MH/HPS, GH Nutes at half strength, Water PH at 5.8-6.0, 3 gallon fabric pots in coco coir. I'm at 35 days with them. They are all showing signs of flowering. So i have switched them to the HPS light. My Dark Devil seems to be growing buds quickly. The Sweet Skunk seems to have the most vegetative growth happening. The cream mandarin was started a week later and is week behind everyone of them. Things have been going great until recently. I have had problems with regulating heat and Humidity. I seem to have that fairly under control. MY RH has been H 50% and L 41% and the Temperature in the tent has been about a H 84F and Lows 75F.

Things have been going great outside of temprature think i may have been over watering them and wanted to get some affirmation through the community. I was giving them about 1-1.5 liters each every 3rd day. After the switched i thought i should start giving them more water. So every 3 days (total of 2 waterings) they have had about a gallon each. I've stopped now and have them back on 1-2 liters every 3rd day. They are due for nutrients tomorrow. I was thinking about skipping tomorrow and giving it to them on Saturday to give them some time to dry. Any thoughts? I've added pics below for reference.



Active Member
What makes you think you're overwatering?

Hey there,
The new growth looks skinny and scrawny. The ladies look like they are more droopy than normal. I was giving them about a gallon each for a few watering one being with nutrients. I'm back down to about 2 liters each watering. They seem to be doing better, i'm not getting a whole lot of run off though at 2 liters/pp. Overall i'd say they are doing okay. Will post updated pictures soon. I water every 2-3 days or so.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to overwater in a fabric pot ime. You look like you have a dash of PM unless that's dried liquid . Over all your plant looks fine. The cracked leaves could be many things including past damage that may not have remembered causing. Go by pot weight and feel the outside and bottom of your pot. Bottom shouldn't get less moist than the doughy part in bread...if that analogy makes any sense. Maybe do more water but less frequent. Like 4 day gap instead.