Save your plant now by drenching and collecting run off information.
If you’re running hot it’s simple
What ever your run off solution is use that information to equalize yiur food and ph to appropriate levels and it really should be a breez coco easy peasy but you will want a bottle of cal mag and a two part
You’ve been growing in coco coir for years and have never once checked run off?Why go through all that? Just feed properly pH'd nutrient solution that isn't too strong. You're right, coco is easy. All you need to do is worry about what goes in. Chasing runoff, trying to neutralize this and that is ridiculous. I've been growing in coco for years and have never one bothered checking runoff. Same thing when I grow in soil. If you know what you're doing and know what goes in then everything should be fine. Measuring runoff, chasing this and that... Pointless.
Not to be confrontational I’m sure your a master of your own craft. But I’m sure at some point you were forced to pay attention to run off information.Why go through all that? Just feed properly pH'd nutrient solution that isn't too strong. You're right, coco is easy. All you need to do is worry about what goes in. Chasing runoff, trying to neutralize this and that is ridiculous. I've been growing in coco for years and have never one bothered checking runoff. Same thing when I grow in soil. If you know what you're doing and know what goes in then everything should be fine. Measuring runoff, chasing this and that... Pointless.
Not to be confrontational I’m sure your a master of your own craft. But I’m sure at some point you were forced to pay attention to run off information.
hey I get everything your saying. Run off is still something I would log into data.No, I've never checked runoff. I've checked soil pH by doing a slurry test with soil in the garden or when I've mixed up my own soil from scratch but I've never checked runoff EC or pH in either coco or soil in my life. The thing with coco is that if you make sure what goes in is at the correct EC and pH you should be fine. But I run bare bones nutes. No additives, boosters, vitamins, sugars, the kitchen sink, etc... I don't see how the pH is going to change from the 6.0 it is when the plants get fed and if you don't overfeed to begin with you won't have any issues and no reason to even bother checking runoff. I keep my plants healthy and I'm never chasing any deficiencies, blotches on leaves, etc... I'm an old school KISS grower. Simple, simple, simple, equals no problems and happy plants. I have a theory as to why so many people can have so much trouble growing one of the easiest plants to grow. They're dumping too much stuff on their plants, they fuss with them too much, and they chase issues that would probably just go away on their own.
There are actually people with perfectly healthy plants that one day decide to check their runoff pH. The runoff doesn't fall within the range they thought it should be so what do they do? They start pouring Over pH'd solutions through their grow media trying to get the runoff pH to what they think it should be based of some chart not understanding that the runoff isn't necessarily representative of what's actually going on at the root zone. I've seen it in posts on this site and other cannabis sites with before and after pictures. The before pictures were beautiful healthy plants. The after pictures were sick looking plants.
So no, I don't check runoff.