Overpaid CEO's = Why weed costs too much


Well-Known Member
Switching sides paid off for former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who joined the board of directors of New-York based cannabis company Acreage Holdings in November of 2018.
In a report published by Toronto-based Bedford Consulting Group, Mulroney was deemed to be among the highest-paid directors of a cannabis company. His total compensation, including base salary, annual bonus, equity (share-based awards and options-based awards) and pension, was reported to be $13,913,873.
Mulroney, of course, served as Prime Minister from 1984 to 1993. During that time, his government introduced legislation that categorized cannabis at the same level as heroin. His tune changed, however, by the time legalization occurred in Canada.
In October of 2018, he told CBC News, “It takes a while for certain people and certain things to catch up with reality, and great social advances — as I’ve indicated — come in waves. And this is one of the waves that I think will have Canada showing the way for the rest of the world.” Mulroney continued his endorsement of legalization by saying, “The government’s position that was taken yesterday is the way to go.”
Biggest players in the cannabis industry
The data presented by the consulting firm was collected in October last year. It analyzed 96 cannabis companies listed publicly on the TSX, TSXV, CSE, NYSE, Nasdaq and ASX, including 449 board members and 437 executive officers.

Brendan Kennedy, CEO of Nanaimo, B.C.-based Tilray. Chad Hipolito/The Canadian Press
The top 10 executive officers in the cannabis sector and their total compensation is as follows:
  • Brendan Kennedy, president and CEO of Tilray Inc. ($31,817,459)
  • Robert Daino, COO of Acreage Holdings, Inc. ($19,531,750)
  • Kevin Murphy, CEO of Acreage Holdings, Inc. ($10,144,875)
  • Irwin D. Simon, Interim CEO and Chair of Aphria Inc. ($9,577,296)
  • Bruce Linton, former Co-CEO and Chair of Canopy Growth Corporation ($9,327,800)
  • Sebastien St-Louis, CEO of HEXO Corp. ($8,849,943)
  • Peter Aceto, former CEO of CannTrust Holdings Inc. ($8,251,626)*
  • Torsten Kuenzlen, former CEO of Sundial Growers Inc. ($7,987,203)
  • Mark Zekulin, former CEO of Canopy Growth Corporation ($5,958,440)
  • Justin Gover, CEO of GW Pharmaceuticals ($4,727,235)
*Note: Aceto was terminated from his position in July 2019. His option value went to zero.
“The information is collected via public disclosure docs. All the companies that we looked at were publicly traded organizations,” says Darren Raycroft, co-lead for cannabis and consumer process at Bedford Consulting Group.
Beyond compensation, the findings of the study also revealed a disparity when it comes to top positions held by women in the cannabis space. Only 38 per cent of cannabis companies had at least one female board member. A mere eight per cent of the 437 chief executive officers the consulting group looked at were female.

As per the report, 38 per cent of cannabis companies had at least one female board member. Only eight per cent of the 437 chief executive officers were female. Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press files
Raycroft explains that while the numbers, at first glance, appear staggering, they demand closer inspection. “The common theme that you hear when the cannabis compensation comes up is the big splashy numbers about Brendan Kennedy making over $31 million dollars, but 97 per cent of that is equity-based,” says Raycroft.
“If you looked at the 50th percentile, cannabis CEO total compensation was $1,712,759 for companies over $1 billion in market cap,” continues Raycroft. By comparison, CEOs at the same 50th percentile and market cap in the dietary supplements and food and beverage industry was $4,632,015.”
LOL millions of dollars......... these are small fish. The last line says it all "By comparison, CEOs at the same 50th percentile and market cap in the dietary supplements and food and beverage industry was $4,632,015.”
The weed guys are making money but its nothing compared to Pepsi, Coke, and the bogus diet pills.
That piece of dung mul"ripper"oney makes me sick....ALWAYS HAS. He needs a very painful disease to teach him a lesson.
He was a scum bag prime minister and I don't forget that. Snide little weasel. The sooner he dies the better off the planet will be. His stinkin kids can join him too. Wipe the whole family out I say.
His behavior noted above doesn't surprise me in the least. He always was a liar and cheat...fuck his corpse too.
Isn't there an unused curse around here somewhere. I'd like to mount a toilet seat to his grave stone someday.
Harper is another one who deserves all the same wrath and bad luck. Curse that cunt too.
Jealous much? Really I think thats why so many people rag on successful people. Jealousy.

To me, it has nothing to do with money. It's the fact he's a hypocritical piece of shit. His government was responsible for further suppressing our rights to a plant, claiming it is as deadly as heroin, and now he's working for the very industry that deals in this "heroin".

Somehow, the cannabis critics change their tune drastically when they start having money rained on them. It's like cannabis magically becomes healthy and acceptable.
Jealous much? Really I think thats why so many people rag on successful people. Jealousy.

Fuck off, the major players involved in the LP's were the same people who before legalizstion put growers into jails and controlled the laws. That's the problem here, also pretty sure people are pissed off that a commodity plant is worth more than 3X the price of the black market not that some guy is milking the LP's for millions.

Another one that is going places in this forum.
another good thing about running a company successfully is to share some of the profit with the workers so these can raise their kids properly...
another good thing about running a company successfully is to share some of the profit with the workers so these can raise their kids properly...

LP's employ migrant workers, that's not a bad thing if no one locally doesn't want to do the job but the reason no one wants to do it as its min wage for shit work and you can't live on that especailly in the Great Vancouver are or even Fraser Valley area.
Salutations AquaTerra,

...pretty sure people are pissed off that a commodity plant is worth more than 3X the price of the black market...

And that's only a brief premise. The thing is Jack had no right to die and yet so did he anyway - which seems like a double tragedy to me: personal & national...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
You've never been to jail for weed have you, honkey ass mutha fucka!
In all my years of commercial black market growing I always listened to my gut and took down houses before they got busted. I do have a buddy that didn't listen to me and he's doing 20 years for growing weed.

All that said, I miss the good old days of $5000 a pound wholesale. lol Legal weed makes it a normal job and employees are replaceable.
LP's employ migrant workers, that's not a bad thing if no one locally doesn't want to do the job but the reason no one wants to do it as its min wage for shit work and you can't live on that especailly in the Great Vancouver are or even Fraser Valley area.
then you need to increase the min wage, here it's 8.5€ but in a city one needs, at least, twice the amount in order to live a humane life. Basic problem is that the industry has alot to say in politics. Many politicians are bought (think whores).
That's a huge problem with democracy, even politicans can be replaced easily.... and when I think about some of the latest & famous sexslaves/childabuse/rapo-cases when living witnesses are even killed while in protective prison I think the whole system is corrupt and needs a re-do.

The Roman Empire was much better in this regard - lead by Triumvirate of 3 honorful leaders that never could have a stalemate and that basically expressed true greatness through their lives.

The world is evolving ever quicker... many politicans cannot meet this pace... actually, as of now, the Chinese excell in this pace. It's the West that needs to re-uptake some of their historically proven systems


and he's doing 20 years for growing weed.
insane... I did 4... but int. cocaine trafficking...

in the near future alot of "stupid jobs" will be carried out by robots n machines... we already live right inside the Digital Revolution... you see it everywhere in the industry... like the steam-machine revolutionized society some centuries ago...

So what are we going to do then when there's hardly any work more...?
All that said, I miss the good old days of $5000 a pound wholesale. lol Legal weed makes it a normal job and employees are replaceable.
You could relocate to Switzerland/ Lichtenstein/ Luxemburgh/ Norway and enjoy the old days and sell for even more... (much more) guess it would even nullify the insane costs for electricity :/
boah that gets boring quickly as well.... so think one step ahead... we create robots, that build & maintain themselves, they can also harvest the damn resources for that on their own, and ofc, they also need a leading robot that further evolves them so they become more & more efficient...

Then the robots decide we are a waste of space and fucking up their planet with organic waste... lol we've all see that movie. I think in the long term we will integrate a lot of tech into ourselves as enhancements.
I think in the long term we will integrate a lot of tech into ourselves as enhancements.
think so too, there's already some nanobots against cancer.. or some guy that has an electrical cord in his brain that gives him a "brain-tingling" when the probe senses something lol whatever that is good for, I rather keep my skull closed... but maybe "resistance is futile" in the future... 10 years ago I wouldn't have thought to let everyone know where I am, or what I buy, now there are smartphones which basically tell "others" lots of info's... police has it so easy these days... most cops here in Ger sit together in a room and watch 3 screens at once... Sherlock Holmes is a thing of the past... alot of criminals are their own demise... take care