Overnight Plant problem, with photos


Hopefully an experienced grower can help me out here.

This female was switched to flower 10 days ago, shes been thriving and looking great. Practically overnight shes gone through a drastic change and is wilting, yellowing and looks the same way my clones do when they first go into shock.

Current settings:
Gen Hydro Nutes, 850ppm
PH is 6.0
1000w Hps w/Extreme 8 hood.
Room temp stays 78-82
Plant temp stays 78-80
Medium is Hydroton
Air stone in bottom of 3 gal food grade bucket.

I have been adding Subculture-B to the water to help the roots which has worked great in my other hydro plants but, this one has a light brown color to the roots. All my others are bright white and healthy. I also add about 1/2 tsp hydrogen peroxide to my water to ward off bacteria growth.

Now, what I think may have started it all...my PH prior to the last water change was at 8.0, I just got a ph meter and thought I was good with my RO water. My ppm was 1100-1300. I'm thinking the high Ph may have been blocking the uptake of certain nutes.

Anyone know if what I've done will save my girl? Or what I can do to help?
I took 4 clones off her last week so I wanna get this down.


Thanks for the help.


root rot!! Pyrithum (or something like that) Sorry! Keep the water around 62-68 if you can will help prevent that search "root rot" for some help but usually terminal. and yes roots should be white
Good luck Sorry man ..... the other thing that will help is air space between the bottom fo the plant and the water level. in other words dont fill your bucket all the way up. only fill 6 - 8 inches of the bucket. use 2 gal of mix per bucket or so, keep the level there, the roots need oxygen


yeah bro ive dealt with this a couple times once its that bad bleach or h2o2. I dont know alot but i do know quite a bit about pythium. chlorine kills pythium.overdoo it with the h2o2 and you can burn what good you have left. you gotta cut off as much of the rotten as possible and i think its 6 drops of bleach per gal. id look more into it first tho. i know 8 drops is for emergency sterilzation of drinking water. they make some stuff called pythoff but i believe chlorine is the active ingred on that but im not 100% i think thats what i read. ive got and ez ryder that i had to cut 75% of the roots off of and now have a few white roots but it requires daily maintenance now. gotta lower those temps and get more DO in there. h2o2 will add extra oxygen to the water but i dont think you can use it at the same time with bleach nfs on that either. sucks bro. best of luck