Overgrown Grow Room


I'm currently at day 22 into flowering in my grow space which measures roughly 8 ft long by 4 ft wide by 3 feet high. This is my first grow, I'm using RDWC and a 600w HPS in a cool tube w/ an adjustawing reflector and super spreader. Heat has not been an issue whatsoever, thank god.

Being my first grow, I've made some mistakes. I waited much too long to switch to 12/12. I let them veg for 4 weeks, I know, I know....

They've continued to stretch and continue to grow to this day. I have been tying and bending and and pinching non-stop, literally everyday. I've pruned minimally so as to let nature take it's course. I'm having bigtime issues with the height though. The biggest problem I'm having is the area within an inch around the cooltube.... anything that touches the tube obviously burns... but they keep growing!!!

What is the lesser of 2 evils: cut some branches that are "crowding" my space, continue tying the best I can, or should I let it it grow as it wants? I want as much yield as possible obviously. The room ventilates once every 15-20 seconds so humidity / mold is not an issue, there's plenty of airflow.

What should I do??


Well-Known Member
personaly i would prun like crazy so buds arnt burned later. better to save that energy for buds that will not burn. just my 2 cents


personaly i would prun like crazy so buds arnt burned later. better to save that energy for buds that will not burn. just my 2 cents
if i prune some branches that are crowding around by the tube, thus removing a few buds, will that weight lost from removal of those buds be put onto other buds elsewhere on the plant?


Active Member
Pruning now will promote growth to the other areas of the plant of course, but don't prune too much. Just prune what will not grow right I.E too hot, or not enough light. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
unfortunately there is not much you can do. your at 22 days in and there already touching the lights. plants stretch when they flowering for normally 3-4 weeks depending on the strain your growing. i think the only option you have is to intervene and prune it a bit. but its hard to understand what your dealing with without a picture.

on the bright side, if its 22 days in whatever you trim should be nice and frosty so you can make cannabutter.


toss a screen over those babys next time ;D seems like your trying to create a canopy it would help wonders by the sound of it
funny thing is that i have it scrogged up, but i was using the screen to keep the main branches down and low, i didn't realize during the stretch it would double in size, literally! looks like i'm going to get at them with the clippers and just prune the stuff that's going to burn. i also added a light bar of 8 CFLs to help increase light to the outer areas... hope that helps. thanks for the words guys


Well-Known Member
Hope you get it under control bro... on the pruning and being on day 22 i read somewhere that pruning too much after 2-3 weeks can be bad and direct a lot of the plants energy towards healing itself instead of directing it towards the flowers... not sure if that is true or not, like i said i read it in a grow mag or something... but just food for thought....