

Well-Known Member
hey everyone im always hearing how fucking sweet overgrown was
people like greg green say thanks to them
well after hours of hacking adf and fbi computers i got back 90% of the info
and being the great dude i am here it is on this easy to download torrent
yeah i know im great


and i had fuck all to do with it but i know a lot people said the info on the site was the bomb so i hope it helps
going to grab a joint and start reading it also has a sick little installer with a faq and search button
thanks to the uploaders and to riu.com this place has been great and full of great tips
rock on:bigjoint:
really i had nothing to do with the torrent


Well-Known Member
no as a torrent download that has been moded to be a search tool
all the best info from the site with search built in
its clean
and works great ,the info is great
if any one needs help with this and torrent downloading ,i know a little and will try help you
you get all the newest movies shows and docs at super quick times


Well-Known Member
....so u hacked adf and fbi...well thank u for bringing attention to our site. u now have feds tracking ur ass. and ....what is the info about. i wanna know before i get it :D


Well-Known Member
it was a joke ,i cant hack myself outa a wet paper bag
the info is from a site called overgrown who some say was the best around at the time
its all the diy and other stuff found on sites like this
full of good info
i would not post it if it was a trap spam or other bullshit
take it or leave it
i am just trying to give back to a site that has been great to me


Well-Known Member
yeah lotta hate around here
that 1kooguy was said to be selling hash on the site
kinda agree with banning him
oh fuck am i hating now?
any way its a cool pack its got step by step esky dwc setup that keeps temp down or up


Hopefully I won't catch too much flak for this...
Not to discredit Rollitup or any of it's members, I really dig this place. Overgrow was in my opinion, the premier site for cannabis growing information, found on the net at the time. Almost everything I learned about growing, I learned there. However, aside from a few obscure posts, I believe anything you could possibly want to know can be found here. Infact, the FAQ section, is verbatum, what was displayed in the GrowFaqs portion of the Edge Forums. Although here, you still have a bevy of knowledgeable members at your diposal.

Nuff Said


Well-Known Member
overgrow was what got me started. I miss alot of threads and reading members posts. BOG, bonzai growing, the momolyth grow box. The start of lowryders... Duckfoot ... ahh good times.

Yeah but i dont download torrents. lost to many files on old computers that way. I so ahte reformatting a hard drive.