overfeeding or deficiency,,,,,help please


hi everybody i m at the 4 week in flowering and only the very top cola are aving this wird curly up dry burned like leaf . can anybody help me with this problem so far i got totally different opinions from friends what do you think .



Well-Known Member
looks burnt and crispy. maybe your lights are too close or your EC is too high. what is ur PH, EC and how high are your lights?


Well-Known Member
you got a lock out probably. if ur doing soil adjust your PH to 6.8 and if ur doing hydro lower it to 5.5-6

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Dam it!!!! I had to erase all that I wrote.
Bottom line. How do you have anyway to know what this guy needs. He has given next to no information.

Ok, I am chilling. I think Urgod is on the correct tract. But the amount of information is not enough.

You need to give way more info-rmation. temps/humudity/PH howq often fed, how much all of it.

But if I was to GUESS, I would also say you threw the PH out of wack, or over fed it..


Well-Known Member
you got a lock out probably. if ur doing soil adjust your PH to 6.8 and if ur doing hydro lower it to 5.5-6
first off...7 is perfect PH for soil. secondly...why is that CFL 6-10" away? theres no reason for it to be that far away...ill give you the fact that it puts out slightly more heat, still 3-4" would do the trick though i do agree it looks deficient...also looks like heat stress, so find a deficiency that exhibits the same characteristics of heat stress, and theres you solution...and more info . is usually more helpful.