Overfeeding? Need professional help/advice


Active Member
Strain: Trainwreck x Shiva Skunk
Flood and Drain Hydro 1x a day for 15 min - ph hovers around 5.7-6
- PPMs were too high @ 500+ for 3 days before lowered to 300
600w MH Dimmed to 75% - Air cooled hood pulling(300cfm) through carbon filter in 5x10 tent
Passive intake
Heavy 16 A & B - CaliMagic - BioRoot
Temps hover around 80 F with 50-60% RH
Clones were rooted in an Ez- Cloner, all roots/plants healthy during transplant

Ok so I am concerned with my little girls. I am pretty sure it was my fault and that I overfed them. The strain is Trainwreck x Shiva Skunk and this is my first time growing this particular cross. They were cloned in an ez-cloner and were very healthy with 2-3 inch long roots when transplanted into rockwool. This is my first time transplanting from my ezcloner to rockwool, so I'm thinking it could be a combination of transplant shock and overfeeding. It's been a week since they've been in the rockwool. I will note that the ppms were around 500 (way to high obviously) when they were first flooded. After I noticed the curling I dropped the ppms down to 300. They are growing roots but new growth has been severely stunted. Is this damage permanent or should I give them another week or two to turn around/what can I do to help them? I have noticed new growth on some of them since pictures taken (roots growing also,) but a couple of them still look like crap. There was one clone that was much larger and didn't respond the same way the rest of the shorter plants did.


Well-Known Member
Your ppm isnt that high,it might be overwatering. Those 6" cubes can hold a lot of water and your plants arent that big yet. Are they still wet and heavy when it waters each day?


Well-Known Member
Not a pro by any stretch, but I have had much more sever damage and it grows out. Seemed to set it back a couple of weeks but was fine in the end.


Active Member
I've been crazy busy and haven't been here to check before they get watered. But my guess is yes they are still wet, I didn't have this problem with my last strain that I grew (afgoo) and I'm doing it the same way, however this is a different strain so I need to change things up. Thanks Smokin that's what I'm hoping will hapen, I'm going to give them a couple weeks and we'll see, any more help/pointers would be appreciated.


Active Member
i been having the same problem look at my journal...i just found out that when the ph gets up too high like 6.0 it made my leaves curled up and yellow like that


Active Member
Thanks Lac, one day the ph was up around 6.2 but brought it down to 5.7, could be it. I would think that would affect all plants equally? or maybe only the weakest/smallest clones couldn't take it?

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Burnt, plain and simple.

I use only ff big bloom(very weak bloom nutes) for first 2 weeks of clones life. I add in some Roots 66 as well. Foliar fed first week and keep soil wet with same mixture(I clone in light warrior 90% success rate). Never had burn that bad.

Here are 9 day olds from cut


Here is the only real burn I have. Almost always starts at tips, but sometimes begins at edges. Easy to spot.



Well-Known Member
You need H202 in the res every 4 days for pathogen control, check the roots ,they should be white.