

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone if you have overdosed and lived to tell the storey please post here. Tell your horrific story's here.

When i was One year old ( an infant) i overdosed on Imoxil, i walked into the fridge and i drank the whole bottle, thing is i couldent even talk and i had enough knowlege to get a Child proof cap off.

Two years after that, i over dosed on sudafed (cold medican) it speed's up your heart when you overdose and you will die from a heart attack if not treated within the hour... i was one lucky child... my mother told me these story's and she also said when we were in the hospital i was telling her "I have frogs in my feet" Haha i had a good laugh when i heard that...

I guess child proof caps wernt "child proof" enough for me, ive never see a kid open one... guess im one in a million..

I have one last story, a ol' friend of mine 2 years ago took 6 pills of morphin and drank 6 beers He was less then 5 minute's of dieing from a heart attack, scarey situation... dumbass friend lol.

i would like to hear some more OD story's

cheers mate's


Well-Known Member
id say that the phrase OD is pretty vague. to be technical, just about anybody who pops Rx pills ODs every time they use. and alot of kids say OD when they spaz out and have to go to the hospital, but heres my story

i was drunk and high and got ahold of 1.5 boxes coricidin, bottle of vicks 44 and 2 random pills (couldve been muscle relaxers, or oxycodone, or one of each.) i was conscious the whole time, so im assuming i wasnt all that close to biting the bullet, but it was certainly the worst trip ive ever had. i zoned out completely and all i could see was a stationary 2-dimensional golden image. it looked kinda pixelated and scrolled kinda like the monitor screens in The Matrix.

way fucked up. i sat for hours not aware of anybody elses existence, without any memory of my lifes experiences. it was like i had a "memory reset" button and someone was holding it down. i felt hopelessly alone.

mixing shit is dangerous. i really didnt have any clue to how jacked up id get, i just wanted to get wasted and experiment. def my scariest trip yet


Well-Known Member
id say that the phrase OD is pretty vague. to be technical, just about anybody who pops Rx pills ODs every time they use. and alot of kids say OD when they spaz out and have to go to the hospital, but heres my story

i was drunk and high and got ahold of 1.5 boxes coricidin, bottle of vicks 44 and 2 random pills (couldve been muscle relaxers, or oxycodone, or one of each.) i was conscious the whole time, so im assuming i wasnt all that close to biting the bullet, but it was certainly the worst trip ive ever had. i zoned out completely and all i could see was a stationary 2-dimensional golden image. it looked kinda pixelated and scrolled kinda like the monitor screens in The Matrix.

way fucked up. i sat for hours not aware of anybody elses existence, without any memory of my lifes experiences. it was like i had a "memory reset" button and someone was holding it down. i felt hopelessly alone.

mixing shit is dangerous. i really didnt have any clue to how jacked up id get, i just wanted to get wasted and experiment. def my scariest trip yet
Sound like a near death experience... Heavy dose of DMT lol you see shit in its energy form but its another dimension. Read the book spirit molecule you might like it.


Staff member
idk if this is overdose but i puked off a shit ton of mushrooms....haha thats about it pretty careful with drugs if i do say so myself and ive done a shit ton of shit


Active Member
Alcohol, Valium, Ambien, and oxycodone, mix it togethor, what do you get. GONE I live way out in the boonies, so this is somewhat okay, but still not okay to drug and drive.

Anyway had 5 miles to get home, took me 3 hours to get there. I remember trying to concentrate on keeping the pickup on the gravel road and then I would realize that I was not moving, so I would go about 100 feet and the loop would happen again, over and over and over. It felt so damn good, but morning time came and when I finally came around I was clueless as to what happen, but then I seen my pickup. The drivers side was gone, and the windshield broken. My wife was not as understanding, that one cost me a trip to rehab.

Like I said driving and drugging is not okay, nobody else would have be on these roads, but still does not make it okay.


Well-Known Member
Old roommate of mine's girlfriend od on methadone after they fucked and puked while he was out of his room and she was laying on her back passed out(hope you understand so I won't have to explain). We found her just in time, docs said another minute and she would have died. My roommate was getting accused of rape up until she came to at the hospital... lol


Active Member
I should add my other OD, just for maybe learning experience for other people.

I was going through a rough stretch in my life, just ended a 3 year relationship. Was so dam screwed up, had been engaged and just could not see life without her.
Well my addictive nature, always loved opiates and benzos.
So I was drinking and taking benzos, just wanted to take it to the absolute limit.

After taking large dose of benzos, I realized I was in trouble.
Got to the phone and dialed 911, in between telling them what was happening, I went under.
The ambulance showed up and carted me off, I awoke later with my stomach pumped and my family huddled around.

Now for the really bad news, they listed it as an attempted suicide.
It haunts me for the rest of my life. Can't get life insurance, everytime anything medical comes up so does this.
Its like a friggin disease, everybody just avoids you.

So be careful, this can really screw up your life.

And yeah this one cost me a trip to rehab also.
Jeez wish I had back the days I have spent in rehab.


Active Member
i had a girlfriend that popped e pills from time to time, but was a daily toker like me, so one night she pops a double stack which is her usual, so everything is cool and were just rippin off my bong then she just lays down on the floor saying shes tired and 2 seconds later her eyes were in the back of her head and she was gargling a little. and came out about 30 seconds later. said she didnt remember anything and she wouldnt go to the hospital so i had to stay with her for the night and watch her. im pretty sure it was a seizure though. it was scary shit, lucky i got my certifications for first aid and cpr in jail XD


bud bootlegger
i think the closest i've come was after banging a few bags of heroin, droppped a few zannies and did about three nice e pills.. my eyes kept rolling back in my head, but fuck, did i ever feel good... :)