

Active Member
Jefferson, the ballast is actually propped up on some old hard plastic couch legs I found when looking for something to get it off the ground. The picture may be a little deceiving. Thanks for lookin out. I think I may build a little case for it out of wood.

thatdjsnow, I appreciate you chiming in as well. After lots of reading up I decided to trim away all the bottom for the reason you said exactly. Did the last of it last night. I'll post pics to show their sexy little shaven legs tonight when they wake up.


Active Member
What does your local water report say about your water? Is it less then 250 ppms? Fluoride is in all water in the U.S. and doesn't hinder the plants. If your water is soft then there is no need to filter and boil it.


Well-Known Member
Jefferson, the ballast is actually propped up on some old hard plastic couch legs I found when looking for something to get it off the ground. The picture may be a little deceiving. Thanks for lookin out. I think I may build a little case for it out of wood.

thatdjsnow, I appreciate you chiming in as well. After lots of reading up I decided to trim away all the bottom for the reason you said exactly. Did the last of it last night. I'll post pics to show their sexy little shaven legs tonight when they wake up.
:P Awesome! You should see even greater growth from the tops in no time!

'scribed btw ;D


Active Member
Jefferson, I took your advice and found that there Colorado Springs tap water ranks 30th best in the nation. ppm is 2.0. Water is going straight in from now on. Thanks for the tips man. Really been a great help.

Thanks djsnow! Those avatar kicks are sick by the way!

rockinlespaul, thanks man! I have a darkroom100 so it makes it a lot easier. I rock a Rickenbacker 650D.

The ladies are clearing up, and stretching every night. Really unbelievable how much they stretch in a night.

sum piks 4 ya'll:

Recommend the darkrooms. I'll be getting another after harvest or when I get a little spare money.

Some fine fuckin' formin' flowers. :hump:

tRim job. Cheese and Goat in the first, Diesel and Cough in the second.

Hope I can keep these gals happy with the room I've got in the tent. If so, I'm looking forward to a pretty decent harvest from the four.

Off to Blue Dreamland once more. bongsmilie


Active Member
If your water contains chlorine then you might want to let it sit for 24 hours. I adopt the chlorine and use bleach in my hydro unit to keep it sterile but don't think it belongs in soil ( soil growers will have to chime in here).

I edited because I forgot the most important part of the post... Nice job dude! Beautiful plants!


Active Member
Yo dudeskis and homegirls! Thanks for the compliments! Unfortunately, they were a little premature as things went downhill last night. :-? Ph is right around 6.8 and I gave her some Cal-Mag first a couple of days ago, then again last night. Thought things were clearing up, but when I looked today there were 2 new leaves that started showing the same thing, and this is only on my NYC Diesel plant. Peep it:

Other than that on about six of her leaves, she she is showing nice bud formation.

The others are doing quite well also. Got a whole screen of little buds. Probably around 30 or so. No kidding. Hope this develops well.
100_0755.jpgbuds.jpgbUds (2).jpgBudz (2).jpgbudz.jpg

Hope somebody can help, and thanks for looking!


Active Member
Thanks a lot OZUT, and after doing some research, I am fairly certain it is a damn Ph problem. That's what I get for using paper tests to hold me over. I heard fairly good things about them though. Buying a pen tomorrow. I know to look for one that's waterproof, and has automatic temp compensation, but what else should I look for in one? I don't wanna end up with a piece of shit. I'm thinkin it's a "you'll get what you pay for" kinda deal.


Active Member
If you can't really wait, buy a Milwaukee pen...they're like $25-$30 and pretty durable...I had one that went about 3 months before it needed to be calibrated...Even then it takes less than 2 seconds...

As for the plants, don't really hold off and try to correct it, I would flush it and start your regular feeding schedule with the PH adjusted...It'll take you longer to work it out without flushing....just my 2 cents


Active Member
Jefferson Bud! You warned me about this. I could and probably should have a pen in my hands right now, but alas, I am a stubborn shit. This seems to be one of the more common noob mistakes, and is so easily avoidable.


Active Member
No worries bro, shit happens. I ripped off 2 1/2 years worth of grows no problem and when I moved and adopted a new system, have been trying to grow again for 5 months because of bacteria. We are often reminded of how ignorant we really are even when we think we know it all. I found this out very quickly...

I would like to think your problem is not burn and more a ph problem. When I was forced to use the liquid testers when my tri-meter broke I had a hard time reading the color because of all the different spectrums of light. 2700k and 6500k make yellow and green a different hue...


Well-Known Member
Hey Mouth,

I am sure your little issue will get cleared up in no time. I ran into something that looked quite similar on my last grow. For me, I believe the problem turned out to be nute burn-- but I was using Miracle Grow organic soil-- a bad choice that I have since corrected.


Active Member
2 weeks in, and the only problem I have is with my Cheese plant. Still the ph problem, but I've since flushed with properly ph'd water. I did all I could to avoid having to do this because in order to flush I had to take out the screen. Gotta get a new one in tomorrow. On with the pics. I always feel like I'm posting too many. Ha

NYC Diesel:

Golden Goat:



All the gals.

Diesel is becoming my favorite plant a little more each day, though the Goat isn't far behind. I'm hoping the goats little tightly spaced nodes will give me some nice colas. The spacing on all of them is pretty incredible. I'll be sure to get more shots of that later. Peace ya'll, and hope you enjoy! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Oh, and to further explain the ph issue. I got the proper ph pen (a Milwaukee. Thanks dudes!) but like a dumbass, didn't flush immediately, so I believe the buildup was still surrounding the roots. I noticed today as they looked like they were getting worse, so I gave her a proper flush. How soon until I feed again? I was thinking next watering, and only because I am sure the soil was leeched of all nutrients.


Active Member
I have! They are very small, but they are definitely there! Should there be more at this stage? Also, my temps run cooler when the gals are awake (starts around 85 degrees, ends around 70) because they are awake while I sleep at night. I did this to have a little better control of my temps, but it is very normal for me to come home and find them sleeping in 75 degree weather. How much will this stress them, if at all? I'm thinkin' that in nature, temps are very inconsistent, especially here in CO, yet I've seen some very good grows in our beautiful state. Thanks for reading everybody! Now, back to that "Hottest girls, no nudes" post. :blsmoke: