Over watered / Under watered?


Well-Known Member
So these clones were all put in at the same time roughly. So I have dropped the water level and brought it back up... The leaves were dry and so I brought the water level back up... That didn't seem to fix the issue with the other leafs, still droopy.. The water temp is 70F and the ppm is at 500 so I don't think that's too high...

There has been a good explosion of roots and there was some lost durring transplant.

There is enough oxygen because I have ran this system before with 7 buckets and that was from seed to harvest.

Any thoughts?image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Root Rot ...Pythium is what I'd be checking for

sniff the base for that tell tale rotten sock smell

household bleach is ur friend


Well-Known Member
What's throwing me for a loop is that the Lowe leafs were dry and fell apart when I touched them but the tops feel fine. Every time I lower the water level they seem to get more droopy...thoughts?