Over / Under


Active Member
Overwatering or Underwatering? I cant tell. I think overwatering because it was droopy and then i had to water alot to be able to transplant so the dirt stayed togather.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice skunk strain. When you over and under water too many times it stresses the plant! Next time you water use a shock treatment to help it recover. The dirt in those clay pots dry out way too fast. Plastic pots are better because you can water then pick up the pot and feel how heavy it is. When you pick the pot up latter and it feels light, you know its time to water. Too much water will drown the plant. Too little water kills the root hairs. So proper watering is very important.


Active Member
thank you I know proper watering is important, but is it over or underwatered. BTW they are plastic pots that look like clat pots. lol. If its overwatered what should i do. Try it out and then water from then?