Over heating,under watering,'ona posioning'-help



Ok so for the past 3 days my plant seems to be dieing, this is my first grow and there is only 13 days left to harvesting it would be a shame for it to die once its so close to harvest so im seeking advice from the experts

day one I notice that the plant is getting droopy but at the same time it still has the healthy dark green color note: added jar of ona a few days ago problem was that I put it right next the exhaust fan

day 2 plant is getting very droopy one of the bigger colas is starting to slouch also some of the lower leaves are turning yellow i noticed that for some reason the temp in the box is 89 degrees and the soil is now BONE DRY! I also watered it about 2 days ago

note: added another exhaust fan dropped temp to a steady 82 also give it a good watering

day 3 I notice that the cola that was slouching is now stiff so i take this as a good sign but i notice that half the plant (on the right side next to the exhaust and the ona that is outside the box) has yellow leaves but on the left side its mostly green also most leaves are starting to get lifted

note: i move the ona so its in a indirect spot killing the odor

so I dont know weather the yellowing is caused from under watering, maybe the overheating? how bout ona posioning even if that exists? or maybe a combination of all three here is a attached pick

~appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
dude if ur 13 days out yellowings no big deal flush flush flush it aint gonna die so close to harvest ride that onee out.


This is a micro pc grow and I didnt veg long enough only about 6 weeks so Its a little bigger than a bonsai tree lol, it has about 8 bud sites here is the only good pic i can get atm since i cant bring the plant out right now 13 more days =8 weeks of flowering as far as ph testing i dont have the tools for it but im using foxfarm ocean forest soil, i also didnt add nutes, so i assume ph shouldnt be a problem? could be wrong though.

here is a picture of one of the medium-small sized colas



Well-Known Member
just because it will be 8 weeks doesnt mean it will be done at 8 weeks no matter what, I'd go till they were done. Looking at your plants other pics u just put up it looks like some of the colas might be done in 2 weeks. that first pic looked fluffy as hell though(in the original post).


Im just going by what the seedbank said (8-9weeks) and by fluffy do you mean thats it not fully developed? it was kinda at a bad angle.

Also what do you think about the yellowing of the leaves?

and the other poster mentioned i should start flushing?


Well-Known Member
I mean it looks like it still has some filling out to do. at about a week-10 days away from harvest stop feeding it anything other than the unsulphured blackstrap mollasses and water you should use during flowering.. so one more nute feed then no more. the leaves are going to die, its normal, the plant takes stored energy from the leaves and puts it into budding. nothing to worry about. dont remove them unless they come off with a gentle tug or are badly damaged and look like a mold or fungi threat waiting to happen.


Well-Known Member
this is from fdd's harvest tutorial, i think it shows the difference between done and not done, im not really sure in your case how long it will take ive never grown that strain so it might only take another 2 weeks for the change to occur or you might need an extra few days or maybe even a week or two.

we will start with ripeness. most people say to check your trichromes with 30X magnification. i have other ways. when buds are done they look "done". the appearance of the bud changes. the leaves start to hook upwards and become hard and crispy. the calyxes will swell and the hairs will turn brown. you can see a golden tinge to the bud leaves. this is the amber crystals. they start to turn amber on the leaves first.

not ready..........




Well-Known Member
Seedbanks' flowering times are merely approximations. Those times can vary greatly based on how the grower has conducted his/her grow. Id say you have at least 2 weeks before starting to flush; so 3-4 weeks until harvest. Go over to the Harvesting/Curing section and see when others are harvesting.


this is from fdd's harvest tutorial, i think it shows the difference between done and not done, im not really sure in your case how long it will take ive never grown that strain so it might only take another 2 weeks for the change to occur or you might need an extra few days or maybe even a week or two.

we will start with ripeness. most people say to check your trichromes with 30X magnification. i have other ways. when buds are done they look "done". the appearance of the bud changes. the leaves start to hook upwards and become hard and crispy. the calyxes will swell and the hairs will turn brown. you can see a golden tinge to the bud leaves. this is the amber crystals. they start to turn amber on the leaves first.

not ready..........


Yeah my plant looks some where inbetween the first and second pic, but every day or two you can easily notice a change(more crystals,colas getting denser), this is a kings kush plant btw.

I added a 4th cfl, and also a fan inside the case to blow on the plant and increase air circulation.


Seedbanks' flowering times are merely approximations. Those times can vary greatly based on how the grower has conducted his/her grow. Id say you have at least 2 weeks before starting to flush; so 3-4 weeks until harvest. Go over to the Harvesting/Curing section and see when others are harvesting.
Yea judging by what I saw in other peoples harvest I might have to add another week before harvesting making it a total of 9 weeks for flowering unless I see significant change in the next 2 weeks.