over ferted... organicly


Active Member
Wad up RIU!
i have this og kush girl that i just topped a few days ago.
She is in a mix of potting soil, worm humus, fish blood and bonemeal and perlite.
Looks as if i have gone overboard with one of these ingredients and she is clearly overdosed on Nitrogen by the look of it.
Is there anything i can do to reduce all the new growth being burned so much? or do i just keep vegging and hope for the best?
Thanks guys


no clue

Well-Known Member
Not to be a dick but I really don't think flushing will help. Usually with organics, waiting it out has worked for me. I think flushing is likely to release more nutrients and the plant is all ready getting too much.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Its easy to go overboard with blood and bone meal. Just water and ride it out. Dosent look like the mix is super hot by the pics. Time will tell...


Well-Known Member
Not to be a dick but I really don't think flushing will help. Usually with organics, waiting it out has worked for me. I think flushing is likely to release more nutrients and the plant is all ready getting too much.
That ^^^^^^^

Flushing will just cause more problems. Water as usual and wait it out.

Don't be so heavy handed with the blood next time. It's easy to add, a bitch to get out.



Active Member
I didn't think there would be alot i could do as the soil is ammended with the stuff.
I was hoping the newer growth wouldnt be as affected as the early growth but everything is real dark green, brown blotches on the edge of the fan leaves and all the leaves are wrinkled slightly.
i'll wait it out and see what happens, thanks again.