Over-fert Nitrogen Problem


Active Member
First time grower and such a noob mistake in my book. Plant is 2 weeks old from seed and I over fertilized with nitrogen but I think i caught it early enough just as the leaf tips were turning yellow and starting to curl. I immediately changed the soil and pot. Is there any other steps i need to take to treat my baby? Thanks fellow tokers


Well-Known Member
First time grower and such a noob mistake in my book. Plant is 2 weeks old from seed and I over fertilized with nitrogen but I think i caught it early enough just as the leaf tips were turning yellow and starting to curl. I immediately changed the soil and pot. Is there any other steps i need to take to treat my baby? Thanks fellow tokers
A Pic Wud Be Nice plz


Well-Known Member
just follow an easy schedule like fox farm. Its about as easy as it gets, and is perfect for beginners. Give them a flush as well.:leaf:


Active Member
Is there a correct way to flush as to avoid an over-water problem or is over-watering and allowing soil time to dry a better scenario than over-fert?


Well-Known Member
run 3 times as much water as soil you want to flush, if you changed the soil a flush is pointless though. you'll be fine, your not the first person to do this. you need to start nutes slowly and work your way up, cannabis burns kinda easily when its younger.


Active Member
we all made noob mistakes for sure man. mine was a bad case of water to start and locked out all nutes for a week before i caught it and re-potted them. i made a good root dip to leech out the heavy salt and potted in fresh mix. then i watered them in with fresh RO water and follwed with a fert on next watering and they turned out fine. took about 5 days to resume normal growth.
Hey im new to this website and i seem to have the same problem, I over fertilized my babies and they got burnt in various degrees, one being very bad and the others pretty mild. I was wondering I flushed my plants with about 5 - 6 gallons cuse there in a gallon pot today, do i need to re do the soil? or am i good and i just have to wait this one out. Im growing dutch passion shamam plus a few other strands but the shamam took it the worst. Im really worried this cuse is my first time screwing up. any help would be greatly apprecaited.