Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?

dr. william gray has made some failed predictions. he predicted cooling but instead we got the hottest years on record.

In 2006, Gray predicted a cooling trend by 2009-2010.[SUP][9][/SUP]
Forget innocent untill proven guilty... With all your liberal/democrate inferiority must have forgotten

you tried to string them up by their toenails for allegations. allegations from which they were exonerated.

you were holding them guilty even after proved innocent.
dr. anthony lupo works for the marshall institute, a conservative think tank that is funded by exxonmobil in part.

FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL! every single last one on this list is FAIL!

Interesting this is the second time UEA has been accussed of falsifying data. It happened in '94/'95 and the same bloke was involved back then.

You forgot this one... http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2012/apr/24/uea-climate-change-email-publicity

"UEA had at this point finally decided to hire the services of an external PR consultancy called the Outside Organisation, the managing director of which, Neil Wallis, has since been arrested and bailed without charge as part of the on-going police investigation into phone hacking due to his former role as deputy editor of the News of the World"

I thought all their findings were based on science... If the data was solid, you wouldn't need a PR firm to sell it to the public...

well we have the fact then when an "alleged" controversy hits an organisation it normally costs them above and beyond their normal expenditure in answering said controversy

but aside from all that i certainly didnt just link to the UEA in the various exonerations

so are you going to adress the other links exonerating the UAE or are you going to act like a partisan hack?
dr. fred singer used to take money from rotten apples to write about how second hand smoke was harmless, now he's a puppet for climate change denial groups.

wow. i'm wondering if there is even one single non-FAIL on this entire list. only a few left to go.
the only other one i could find info on was the last one, anthony watts.

he is the one who made up the climate denial website from which arcticgranite lifted that article. he also works for the hearltand institute, a conservative/libertarian think tank funded in part by the koch brothers.

what a miserable block of FAIL that was from arctic granite.

people should be better consumers of information and do some perfunctory research before opening their mouths.

In theory Wikipedia is a “people’s encyclopedia” written and edited by the people who read it — anyone with an Internet connection. So on controversial topics, one might expect to see a broad range of opinion.

you don't cite wiki, you cite the citations within wiki.

for example, one of the citations i used was tim ball's own curriculum vitae and writings. is tim ball a good enough authority on tim ball?

well we have the fact then when an "alleged" controversy hits an organisation it normally costs them above and beyond their normal expenditure in answering said controversy

but aside from all that i certainly didnt just link to the UEA in the various exonerations

so are you going to adress the other links exonerating the UAE or are you going to act like a partisan hack?


In theory Wikipedia is a “people’s encyclopedia” written and edited by the people who read it — anyone with an Internet connection. So on controversial topics, one might expect to see a broad range of opinion.

just incase you missed my post and you werent trying to be a hack
what did i say about this climate denial bullshit being funded by the koch brothers and exxonmobil earlier in this thread?

thanks arcticgranite, for proving it!


priceless. happy new year guys. i'm gonna hit up the tequila now.
well we have the fact then when an "alleged" controversy hits an organisation it normally costs them above and beyond their normal expenditure in answering said controversy

but aside from all that i certainly didnt just link to the UEA in the various exonerations

so are you going to adress the other links exonerating the UAE or are you going to act like a partisan hack?

partisan hack hey? Fitting description of the obama brigade.

Ben Santer. Maurice Strong's scientific butt buddy. Both global warming proponents.

Santer inplicated in TWO data falsifications, both while at UEA. Like a decade apart.

No such thing as coincedences.
well we have the fact then when an "alleged" controversy hits an organisation it normally costs them above and beyond their normal expenditure in answering said controversy

but aside from all that i certainly didnt just link to the UEA in the various exonerations

so are you going to adress the other links exonerating the UAE or are you going to act like a partisan hack?

partisan hack hey? Fitting description of the obama brigade.

Ben Santer. Maurice Strong's scientific butt buddy. Both global warming proponents.

Santer inplicated in TWO data falsifications, both while at UEA. Like a decade apart.

No such thing as coincedences.


Composition of the Investigatory Committee:
Sarah M. Assmann, Waller Professor
Department of Biology
Welford Castleman, Evan Pugh Professor and Eberly Distinguished Chair in Science
Department of Chemistry and Depmtment of Physics
Mary Jane Irwin, Evan Pugh Professor
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Nina G. Jablonski, Department Head and Professor
Department of Anthropology
Fred W. Vondracek, Professor
Department of Human Development and Family Studies

thats the list of investigators from the first link alone

cannot see any of the names you listed in that bunch

going to need a hell of alot more handwaving for you to get this one to go away
i always check out the site before i check out the article, that's from a climate denial website.
Of course it is. I'm allowed latitude as I quote and cite from both views! I see later in the thread you assign fail because of Watts bias and D'Aleo's credentials. What really caught my eye in the article is the EPA's Inspector General basically saying yeah, we didn't follow protocol. The signers are pedigreed too. Fail not IMO.
Of course it is. I'm allowed latitude as I quote and cite from both views! I see later in the thread you assign fail because of Watts bias and D'Aleo's credentials. What really caught my eye in the article is the EPA's Inspector General basically saying yeah, we didn't follow protocol. The signers are pedigreed too. Fail not IMO.

dude, every single person that signed onto that letter was funded by the koch brothers, exxonmobil, a chrstian creationist, or otherwise not qualified to comment on the issue.

you just proved the failings of the denial side.
Of course it is. I'm allowed latitude as I quote and cite from both views! I see later in the thread you assign fail because of Watts bias and D'Aleo's credentials. What really caught my eye in the article is the EPA's Inspector General basically saying yeah, we didn't follow protocol. The signers are pedigreed too. Fail not IMO.

thats why you take the time go go read the bits that "wattsupwiththat" so charmingly edited out as they completely followed EPA protocol

"EPA’s peer review policy states that “for influential scientific information
intended to support important decisions, or for work products that have special importance in
their own right, external peer review is the approach of choice” and that “for highly influential
scientific assessments, external peer review is the expected procedure.” According to the policy,
external peer review involves reviewers who are “independent experts from outside EPA.”"


its so easy to be folled when you dont bother checking yourself