Over 455K members, anyone famous?


Well-Known Member
Do you think there are any celebrities among us? Maybe incognito?

I've always wondered this about forums.

Of all the celebrities who smoke weed, there has to be at least ONE, right?
I'd like to think there is at least one. I mean if we have people that are in high times and such why wouldn't a celeb be here as well.
For real, GOT to be. I feel like the constant possibility of anonymity must make internet socialization a very appealing thing to a celebrity. Lil Wayne slips on his UncleBuck costume and none of us are the wiser...
It's a silly question really, because if there was they wouldn't admit it and if they did no one'd believe 'em, heh.
i kinda think we have our own circle of celebs here on riu... the infamous ones that show up, stir the shit... then the others everyone seems to love. but yea, i'd bet there are a couple a listers and b list celebs logging in and chatting with us the everyday commoners. i am NOT famous, i swear.
the guy/member who tells stories about calling the cops on his neighbors for having a burning wet leaves . . famous . . i doubt hes famous . . . and if he is . .i say hes Ryan styles . . i hear hes an ass as well
well since you asked nicely,I'm Donny Berger and I'm wicked famous and I've got a wicked big schlong!
Go home samwell

you're drunk


ahh . . cool story brah

and ryan styles is a jerk . . and an idiot . . .. after i did a transmission flush for him and had his GMC running he comments on how normal condensation from the tail pipe is . . . . . twice once with me once with my manager at the desk. . imo double checking if his precious truck was fucked up by us lowly grease heads . . . . ya hes a jerk

bring me something to drink ill show you drunkass questions.jpg