Outsider's perception of trump, if you already dint know


Well-Known Member
just like trump is demonizing mexicans and muslims.
What part do you not understand ?? he is trying to protect USA got nothing to do with racism ,, not one fucking thing
if you got grizzly bears in your back yard Do you still let your kids play in your back yard ???
He puts it on point with illegal imigration from mexico stealing jobs and most importantly stealing taxes un paid etc
Do you not see whats happening in Europe from the Syrian Refugees
He is trying to protect USA is this not what or why you all go fight in another country for your freedom lol
You do realize China will surpass you as world dominant country in only a few years
USA is falling behind at a astonishing rate
Yo buck how many kids you got >>>??? if you got any ???? how many did your parents have ???? i bet more todays culture of americans are not having big families so how does this pan out over 25 years with more people going into retirement and less going into the work force



Well-Known Member
What part do you not understand ?? he is trying to protect USA got nothing to do with racism ,, not one fucking thing
if you got grizzly bears in your back yard Do you still let your kids play in your back yard ???
He puts it on point with illegal imigration from mexico stealing jobs and most importantly stealing taxes un paid etc
We need educated immigrants. I was talking to a dairy farmer the other day who told me he couldn't get enough milkers with Bachelor degrees to milk his cows


Well-Known Member
1) his wife is cute

2) we won't have to listen to some moron living in the white house claim this:
“The irony, of course, is few things will disrupt our lives as profoundly as climate change,” the President said. “Few things can have as negative an impact on our economy as climate change.”

3) he certainly won't go into denial when it comes to who the culprit is during an act of violence committed with a gun.

4) he won't have a problem calling Islamic based terrorism what it is.

5) won't go into denial when it comes to the distinction between "illegal" and "legal" immigrant .

6) free stuff guys might actually have to work

7) he'll piss off a lot of goofy loons

8) and his wife is cute

1. not a political issue.
2. not a political issue. sounds like you're a sore loser.
3. not a political issue.
4. he's racist.
5. he's racist.
6. not a political issue.
7. not a political issue.

Oh well. I guess this debate was over before it started.


Well-Known Member
You need a bachelor degree to milk a cow?
No but that is where most of american bachelor degree grads are working Go figure huh
Maybe with Trump in the picture and after he brings back corporations in which the US Government have chased away comes back life just might be a better place in good ole USA


Well-Known Member
No but that is where most of american bachelor degree grads are working Go figure huh
cite it then.

if most americans with bachelor degrees are milking cows, or even anything remotely similar, then you should have no problem providing evidence to show that you are not lying.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between A Bachelor degree , and living in a Bachelor one bedroom government funded low in come dwelling there bear lol or have you been promoted onto the streets yet for being 2 months behind in rent ???? blame trump for that buddy i know you want to , blame the people you owe money to


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between A Bachelor degree , and living in a Bachelor one bedroom government funded low in come dwelling there bear lol or have you been promoted onto the streets yet for being 2 months behind in rent ???? blame trump for that buddy i know you want to , blame the people you owe money to
tell us more about how the holocaust was a hoax.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between A Bachelor degree , and living in a Bachelor one bedroom government funded low in come dwelling there bear lol or have you been promoted onto the streets yet for being 2 months behind in rent ???? blame trump for that buddy i know you want to , blame the people you owe money to
2anonymous pretty sure you are the most troubled, juvenile, pus bag currently plaguing riu


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between A Bachelor degree , and living in a Bachelor one bedroom government funded low in come dwelling there bear lol or have you been promoted onto the streets yet for being 2 months behind in rent ???? blame trump for that buddy i know you want to , blame the people you owe money to
Lol, good one. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
cite it then.

if most americans with bachelor degrees are milking cows, or even anything remotely similar, then you should have no problem providing evidence to show that you are not lying.

You can find for yourself. It don`t support milking but it`s not appealing.



They might not be milking cows but flipping burgers isn`t much better. I think our scholars are dead last.


Well-Known Member
I noticed anyone with balls or lack of but stiff points,...will not let us know what it is Trump has done to make America the way it is or what he has done to hurt America in his lifetime so far.

I think it`s because there`s nothing to post.