Outside Mites


Well-Known Member
What's the best way to get rid of spider mites outside in Veg ,plain water ,water and soup ,Aaszmax ,Neem oil,I have them all ..????
and i did dip them when I brought them home..:?:


Well-Known Member
Neem oil has ALWAYS worked for me :D
But outside there are going to be pests regardless, jsut need to keep up to them at the first sign before they can take over and ruin your valuable crop.
Goood Luck!


Well-Known Member
Ive never had spidermites outdoor, are you in the bush? if so just leave it they will be 'controlled' by nature. Indoor there is nothing to attack them so they can multiply out of control destroying the harvest.


Well-Known Member
I just bought 1500 ladybugs and 2 praying mantis cases. I don't see any bugs on my mj, but I noticed a few aphids on a hibiscus. I'm sure that they will find something to munch on, and maybe they will keep the mites and aphids at bay. The ladybugs have been released and I attached the egg cases to a couple of plants with hair clips. Anybody know how long it takes the mantis to hatch?


Well-Known Member
And praying mantises will eat ladybugs...and all bugs, beneficial or not. The mantis egg case package should tell you how long they take....typically one to two weeks