Outside grow advice?


New Member
Hey all,
I have been experiencing problems with bugs such as hungry hungry Caterpillars. They have been reeking havoc :/. I don't want to use chemicals so if you could, tell me what you do to keep bugs away please.
I was thinking making a barrier of cayenne pepper flakes on the base of the young plants. If it rains, would the pepper damage the plants? And if so, would mixing up a spray of the stuff and spraying it directly on leaves work better?


Well-Known Member
Not to be a jerk or anything...my advice is to repost or move this thread to either the outdoor grow forum or the BUGS sub-forum. But, wait a minute...Sunni is on duty and she will probably do it for you.

Good Luck and Great Growz!


Well-Known Member
Get a couple jalapeños, grind or chop them up as best as you can, simmer in water for a few minutes, strain the jalapeño pulp, take your jalapeño water and put it in a spray bottle, spray the leaves of your plants top and bottom and that will be pretty effect!