Outside bugs help

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok just went and checked out my cooking holes and The problem I see already is bugs. What can I get that's organic for most outside (woods area) bugs? I don't wanna put my babies out in there holes in 2 weeks with a bunch of bugs.


Well-Known Member
i had a bunch of bugs in my amended hole too.. some beatles, grubs, and little crickets.. i wouldn't worry i am pretty sure it just means your soil is healthy.


All of the bugs will move into your organic soil anyways. They love the rich fresh soil to live in. Also who likes to eat bugs? Animals, so they may dig up your plants while looking for bugs/grubs. Not much you can do when your outdoors.


Well-Known Member
i did see one of my pots had an animal dig in it a little bit.. hoping this is less of a problem once I start nuking the area with sticky eggs and piss.


New Member
i had some girls and something was eating the leaves. i did a root drench using insect frass. it's 100% organic and is also a plant food (2-2-2). it's actually insect poop. the frass creates a "sour milk" effect when bugs try to eat leaves and helps the plant fend off pests. after one app...never saw another damaged leaf.


Well-Known Member
Just read a article on yahoo how the mall of america released over 72000 ladybugs to deal w/their aphid problems they where having!