Outgrowing plant


Trust me, it’s not that bright. Your plants don’t think so, they are stretching trying to find more...

It is only 100w draw. They say it’s comparable to 1000w but that is ridiculous.

View attachment 4648766

You don’t have to physically reduce the size of the tent, you can just limit yourself to growing in a smaller footprint inside it...
That's what i was thinking, oh well i'm buying a smaller tent anyways and different lights,
thx for the help


Well-Known Member
The philizon is closer to the wattage you'd want in that tent but its still not a great light ... how much is a SpiderFarmer SF2000 for you? I run one in a similarly sized tent and it works great. MarsHydro TS2000 would be better than the Philizon too. None of these are fantastic lights but they'll do the trick, and will be a huge improvement over what you have


Well-Known Member
What you think, cheaper than other websites
Seems good... if you can afford it I'd go with that light over the other two. Its hard to recommend lights to people outside the US because I never know whats available, and some stuff is VERY expensive for you guys ... that SpiderFarmer is the same cost as it is here though and is a solid light