Outdoors SE Virginia

Retired engineer

Well-Known Member
Looking for advice on safest time to put plants outdoors in SE Virginia (Hampton Roads). I plan on starting indoors around 1 Apr; my gut feel is moving outdoors (beginning with hardening off in moderate sunlight) on 1 May will be safe, but wondering if 15 Apr is too soon…
It all depends on your weather, I'd probably say April 15 in your neck of the woods would be Ok. I probably can't get mine outdoors until around the beginning of May. I've already had mine growing for a bit, so I'm not putting seedlings out this year, I'll be putting fully established plants out. I want bigger plants than I had last year, and vowed to do it, and I am. Will have at minimum 12 different breeds going out this year.
I’m germinating some Mephisto Forum Stomper today, will nurture them inside until 1 May when they go outside.

not sure if I’ll run them at 24/0 or 18/6 until they go outdoors. Natural daylight here on 1 May is sunrise 0609 and sunset 1955 (13 hr 46 min), so I might run inside based on this schedule so they transition easily to outdoors as an option too…
I have 2 autos in my greenhouse I put them in there about 2 weeks ago. I did have to bring them in Monday night and keep them from freezing. All my other veggies I just covered up and they made it. I am very pleased with the way the autos are going. I should have them finished up around the middle of June.
I remember the pictures of your greenhouse, glad it is working out for ya…

the Forum Stomper have an advertised growth period of 65 - 70 days, so I hope to be harvesting in June as well…I can push them longer too. Last year‘s start date of 1 Jul really screwed things up - hoping to get two outdoor grows in this summer.

check out my Cannatrol dry/cure cabinet. Also from VT…

Love it, I bet it was pretty expensive but probably worth it. I am also thinking about trying to get to runs in this summer.
It was around $1400…I’ve used it 4 times now and It works like a charm. I used to obsessively stress out over temps and humidity when I was drying a crop…around here it’s tough to control either/both in the summer. now I just load up the Cannatrol, hit start and come back 8 days later. About a month of a deep cure in CVaults and my stuff is stellar…
Looking for advice on safest time to put plants outdoors in SE Virginia (Hampton Roads). I plan on starting indoors around 1 Apr; my gut feel is moving outdoors (beginning with hardening off in moderate sunlight) on 1 May will be safe, but wondering if 15 Apr is too soon…
its fine now. freezing temps is only thing need to worry about