Outdoors in the Texas Heat


Active Member
Pic1- the 2 plants on the right are from bagseed and about a month old. I just topped them. the small sprout on the top left is white widow and the other is a seed i got from some good dank a while ago.
Pic 3- 2 dank seed plants about a foot tall only about 2 weeks old...growing really fast
Pic 4- transferrecd one of the plants in the green bucket to the ground at 1 foot tall with 3 sets. did i transfer it to early?

Oh and im using outdoor organic miracle grow...



sweet man I'll have to follow this one. its always fun to grow out some tx bag seed just to see what you get. although they usually flower pretty late like until l oct.


Well-Known Member
Actually my friend,
I am from Texas.
I choose not to live in all the heat.
I'll be in Texas in about two weeks.
I've grown outdoor in southwest texas in 100º heat.
The plant can handle it,
I can't.
So how they doin' ?


Active Member
About how much water should i be giving each plant? ive been giving the 2 plants in the pictures and 2 baby plants 4 liters of water every other day. I just started diluting syrup into the water and i fertilize them once a week. Are there any cheap fertilizers i can make or household products? And what can i do to maximize my yield besides topping?

Actually my friend,
I am from Texas.
I choose not to live in all the heat.
I'll be in Texas in about two weeks.
I've grown outdoor in southwest texas in 100º heat.
The plant can handle it,
I can't.
So how they doin' ?


Well-Known Member
The soil is probably rich enough to grow without adding any nutes.

Buy a can of tuna and mix it with some dirt.

I usually put a can of tuna in the hole before I plant.

You can also water with beer or apple juice.

This will feed the microbes in the soil
and improve the health of your plant.

DId you find worms when you dug your holes ?
if so, then you won't need fertilizer this time around.


Well-Known Member
The soil is probably rich enough to grow without adding any nutes.

Buy a can of tuna and mix it with some dirt.

I usually put a can of tuna in the hole before I plant.


I'd advise against doing that in TX unless you want every feral hog within miles rooting up your plants and wallowing in your plot.


Active Member
I was aiming to get at least a qp off of the og kush plant in the black pot, it still has at least 2 months left though. does it look like it will be able to yield that much?


Active Member
yesterday was my lucky day, i picked up 8 g's for 120 of legit fluffy juicy fruit that looks exactly like the juicy fruit ive seen on the interenet, but as perfect as the bud is i went through the whole quarter and got 52 seeds!! I know its late in the growing season, but i live in texas where the seasons longer so im hoping to have about 10-15 females about a quarter each. I also heard that juicy fruits a fast grower so thats a plus


Well-Known Member
yesterday was my lucky day, i picked up 8 g's for 120 of legit fluffy juicy fruit that looks exactly like the juicy fruit ive seen on the interenet, but as perfect as the bud is i went through the whole quarter and got 52 seeds!! I know its late in the growing season, but i live in texas where the seasons longer so im hoping to have about 10-15 females about a quarter each. I also heard that juicy fruits a fast grower so thats a plus
You better wait until next year on those seeds. The days are already getting shorter enough that flowering is starting on some of the earlier varieties. At best you will have a small plant struggling in the heat with a small harvest.