outdoor x2 blue cheese n querkel

All was well yesterday. Plants look happy. No discoloration of other signs of stress I guess it's time to play the waiting game. Ordering my handheld microscope this Friday. I have done high hopes for my winter grow...... My little brother is finally catching on and remembering whut I show tell n babble on about......great success!!!!!!
IMAG0355.jpg IMAG0352.jpg IMAG0353.jpg IMAG0351.jpg IMAG0346.jpg Week five of flowerIMAG0355.jpg IMAG0352.jpg IMAG0353.jpg IMAG0351.jpg IMAG0346.jpg IMAG0337.jpg the blue cheese which is two weeks behind the qurkel is now the dominant.the qurkel always seems sad when she is in direct sunlight..... N e suggestions


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Pistols are starting to suck back in. These girls are getting ready to finish......I'm figuring second week of October, so I'll prolly chop the third week of Oct..... Pix in two days...
Pix pix pix.....

IMAG0379.jpg Blue cheese is a few weeks away from finishingIMAG0378.jpg lower flowerIMAG0377.jpgIMAG0375.jpg IMAG0374.jpg IMAG0373.jpg IMAG0372.jpg IMAG0371.jpg IMAG0371.jpg IMAG0371.jpg IMAG0370.jpg all in all this bag seed turned out nice so far..... The querkel is still alive and well but it stayed really small due to being root bound and a test subject.... But we will be done very soon....
All is well....... not that there is anyone following me here. We are almost done I'll post a couple pix Thursday when I feed again....
Final push... I'll be choping the qurkle next Saturday.....and the blue cheese in three I believe.. night time temps are getting really low. So I'm hoping the qurk goes purple but we shall see...... I'll have some pix up later...
Pix up date. I took the pix at night Sry
20151005_185057.jpg 20151005_185000.jpg 20151005_184858.jpg 20151005_184823.jpg 20151005_184930.jpg 20151005_185036.jpg 20151005_185045.jpg I'll c the difference I hope. The first pic is qurkle the nice long colas are on the blue cheese.. two weeks more for qurkle and 4 more for ok blue
I used all the sugar leaf and popcorn budz and it looks really good thus far..... Smoke report to come.... Another three weeks for the blue cheese and we chop....
Wondering why it is neon green? How long did you soak for? I make iso oil as well but its a nice golden/light brown colour, not green. I soak mine for one minute max.
30 s seconds in Iso with a good continual shake......then I strain the sugar leaf through two matching screen/ colundar kinda things.... And into the Pyrex it goes to evap and with is left is what my old man for many years has called "hash"... Always dank.... When it dries and the alcohol has evaped it's a Sandy Brown color. Makes for really nice tack and glass material...... I'll show you my process a lol later
It has been tradition to use bubble bag system, but this Iso method is so fast and easy takes less then one week to finish depending on humidity and the time of year.... Idk for sure this is just what I noticed over the last five almost 6 years......
From what I understand anything more then 30 seconds in the Iso and you start extracting serious chlorophyll..... I've messed it up once my first time... I'd was green dark dark green and what ide call Mackie hoop almost.... Ide let it stay in the iso for like five min while I was shaking... Should of listened to the old timers barking at me in the first place.... Now I have nice potency and consistency every time...... No bags no press and no extra b.s.