Outdoor watering question! (PICs)


Active Member
So i just watered this plant 2 days ago and it is already getting saggy......i havent been giving it any nutrients. just watering it with reg filtered water.... could i be over watering it? It is even sagging more right now then in the picture


man ur tripping!!!! that phat ass indica plant is perfectly healthy!! sometimes purer indicas sag there leaves a lil dont worry


Active Member
to tell you the truth man, i dont ever water mine. i love in the south. and it rains alot here during grow season. dpending on where you live you could try that. it works good for me. let things go natural


Well-Known Member
Nice picture, they sag then become sturdy, sag then become sturdy, that's a really healthy plant with plenty of sunlight, totally normal, perfect, chill man.


Active Member
hahah thank you for all the replies! i guess i always just overreact when i see it changing so much. i ussually water about every 3 days or so.....sound right?? i guess it all depends on all the factors that come into play like the weather.


there is not one visible insect bite or a burn on that plant man!!!! im jelous!!!! lol just keep watering it when it needs it. if it starts to turn a lighter green hit it with some nutes high in nitrogen, but if you have good soil you wont need to.anyway that is one fine ass indica plant. plus rep. also water has the sun goes down it wont burn your leaves has much, but it dont look like you have that problem


yeah that shit is beautiful. the leaves just sag because their huge and the plant cant hold them straight up yet. must be a pure indica. have fun with that beauty.


Active Member
is pure indica ussually very good?? im not familiar with strain stuff......this is my first time doing this. im suprised how well it has turned out. thank you for all the replies


is pure indica ussually very good?? im not familiar with strain stuff......this is my first time doing this. im suprised how well it has turned out. thank you for all the replies

Well it depends on what kind of high you want really. as far as ease of growth i'd say indicas are a little easier than sativas, more disease resistant and hardy. The plant will probably not get more than 5ft tall and will bush out wide. Usually indicas have more of a couch-lock effect. very body oriented.


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous plant, man! The pope would think it was beautiful until you told him what it was.

Those cheap ass indicators they sell at garden centers do a decent job of letting you know how damp your soil is. The probe is about eight inches long so it's easier and less damaging than trying to stick your finger down in it to see if it's damp. I don't water mine until they're dry. But you're doing great so I'd say stay the path!


Active Member
would the probe damage the roots at all when sticking it in to the ground though? Also, how bad do you think one plant could possibly stink? Like can the smelll really travel that far when it is outside? Once again, thank you for all the replies!


Active Member
really? i thought overwatering would cause the leaves to become lighter or yellowish?? shes doing fine now anyway so im not worried