Outdoor to Indoor.........


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

So if there was some rather large outdoor babies and the sun decided it was not going to show itself lol, if they were moved inside under HPS lights indoor, for flowering, do you think they would adapt and what decrease would they be looking at in yield????

Any help would be great


Active Member
Biggest concern is gonna be bringing in bad bugs and not bringing in the predatory bugs to battle those bad bugs. Just keep a very close eye on your plants for webbing from spider mites, little white pinholes on your leaves from spider mites, silvery trails from thrips, ect

If you wanted you could do some stuff for preventative pest prevention....No pest strips, diatomaceous earth and neem are all good for pest prevention. Just can't really use the neem late in flower.


Well-Known Member
sweet, good wash down then, and some pest prevention, make sure inside area very clean etc. thats great stuff