Outdoor/Secret Garden?


My friend is contemplating growing this summer. He has a decent sized lot in the suburbs. He does have neighbors on each side about 30 yards away.

If he had a garden, what vegetable crops would best best to hide the medicinal plants?

East Coast US. He is OK With auto-dwarfs if that is necessary.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
that too, i should of specified, my bad. lol. yeah, you'll want a mixture of things, but the corn part is the best to hide the plants in. is this a legal grow? im confused a lil cuz you said "medicinal plants".


Not a legal grow, and it is a water-oriented community, so everyone is pretty laid-back.

He just doesn't want to draw attention, just had his first kid.

I think if he did a dwarf or two he would be OK, but he wants cover.

It would be his first grow.