Outdoor question.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from buying some red cross and blue berry haze seeds.... can anyone tell me how the strains should be grown or anything i should know??


Well-Known Member
Has long has a little thought has gone into the right place that will recive plenty of sun then the plant's will be fine with the same treatment has any other strain.I like bio bizz for outside has well has in because this will help the plants get through the first few weeks of it's life without anything other than just water.Make sure that you maintain a good ph 5.5 hydro 6.2/6.5 in soil and you should grow a nice set of plant's.If you do go with bio~bizz nothing other than water ph at 6.5 for the first 12/14 days then start to build up the nutes slowly.


Well-Known Member
okay, well i just wanna ensure a good yeild so i want things to go smoothly....should i start them outdoors or indoors???


Well-Known Member
alright, and what bout the climate....i live in manitoba... any things in particular i should know about that....?


Well-Known Member
Moving outdoors should only be done when overnight temps are about 45degreef any colder and you can kiss them goodbye
Mine have been hardening off outdoors and have had a couple nights right in the mid 40's. Still seem to be very happy. They are inside tonight though. Supposed to drop near 40 tonight.


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking i should just start them outdoor..... just fiknd a good sopot dig some hole put some good soil in and plant the seeds....you guys think that wold make any problems arise?


Well-Known Member
I suggest starting them in small containers inside first, then transplant them into the ground when overnight temps are not too cold. Remember, for a young plant they cant handle the cold temps like a late flowering or hearty plant can.


Well-Known Member
I suggest starting them in small containers inside first, then transplant them into the ground when overnight temps are not too cold. Remember, for a young plant they cant handle the cold temps like a late flowering or hearty plant can.
I agree with this. You will have many more sprout and survive if you start them inside even under a couple small CFLs. Be sure to read up on hardening off before you just throw them outside under full sun (that will likely kill them). When I say that mine are doing fine in 45 degrees F over night I should mention that they are near 3 feet tall and very hearty.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this. You will have many more sprout and survive if you start them inside even under a couple small CFLs. Be sure to read up on hardening off before you just throw them outside under full sun (that will likely kill them). When I say that mine are doing fine in 45 degrees F over night I should mention that they are near 3 feet tall and very hearty.
I've had plants do good with dips below 32 and sustained upper 30's.