Outdoor problems! Taco/twisted leaves


I have 6 girls outdoors that are all fed and treated with pesticide equally. The leaves look like tacos and some are twisting! I am showing all kinds of problems I don't know what to do!

I have holes dug in the ground 3x3x2 and filled with roots 707 soil.
I used the same tea since about week 4 of veg. (I have slowly increased dose of tea/water throughout season) with great results other then a few pest problems.
I brew a 5 gallon tea every day, and water one plant per day. Currently I cut the tea 50/50 so every 6 days each plant gets 10 gal. Not enough?
I water with tap water but I let it sit in the sun in two 40 gal. trash cans for two days to de chlorinate before use. I have never checked PH.
**What would be a cheap and effective way for me to monitor ph since I can't measure run off?

The problem plant is my one and only Chemdog. It hasn't grown much in about two weeks and hasn't even reached pre flower yet. All the others are around week 2/3 flower.

The others are starting to look bad too! Help!
I have a feeling the nutes are being locked out due to ph too high/low??
But why would they just now give me problems?

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This is an unknown clone I was given turned out to be my favorite so far lookin tasty : ]---***
Here is the tea recipe given to me by my local hydro store.(don't mind anything crossed out, I use it all).

Thanks ahead for any input.
Any tips appreciated!
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I have 4 of these sativa dominant, all have similar symptoms:((
Leaves are falling off faster than I can clean them up!
Is this some type of fungus or mold?
I hope I can fix this!



It all started about three weeks ago.
I found out I have russet mites. Those little bastards might beat me this year. I just bought a quart of nuke em and it was $50. And that only gives me 4 gallons of pesticide! I think I'm gunna build a shed and try indoor soon


Well-Known Member
Try getting dematacious earth spelling is wrong Lmao just woke up, I have seen that has helped people, I have never hade russet mites tho so I can't say much about it


Well-Known Member
Get a 100x scope to check for russets. They look like little maggots that will be crawling on the stems. That mild looks like some heavy pm. If you do jave russets that bad id cut your losses. They're nasty little guys.

I believe the russets destroy the trichs. Not 100% sure though.


Well-Known Member
Diatomaceous Earth is great all around for many pests. Much cheaper and safer then most commercially available pesticides also. Go with the food grade option and you can do a google search for many ways to use it outside of the garden even ;)


Turns out I was wrong guessing ph issues. After closer inspection with a 100x microscope russets mites have indeed made my garden home. My hydro buddy insisted I use nuke em so I'm going to give it a go, but he better be right cause I spent $150 for only three separate feedings! I have heard this stuff kicks their ass elsewhere as well so I'll give it a chance. If this fails I will give the Diatomaceous Earth a try for sure.
Looks like mold....give em a dose of SM90
Thanks man will do. Safe to apply between nuke em applications? I didn't know mold could be an issue with this warm Cali weather.


Heavy pm? I was pondering that route but if I can get some or all to come around, it would be hard not to come out ahead this season. Not too much invested money wise this season. Plus I get to see first hand the affects of these pesticides.


Well-Known Member
we quit spraying the plants with DE once flowering starts, but you can still dust everything else.