Outdoor Problems, PURPLE OR MOLD?! HELP

just came out of da woods and my shit is doing nice but this rain is driving me nuts ,and by the way its my little island, lol don't have a puter at home using public connect, camera wont load pics got to make cd then load or,i'm to fucking stoned


Well-Known Member
One of my plants did the same thing a few weeks ago, it was purple exactly like. I removed it just to be safe because it was only in 2 spots. Then i microwaved it and smoked it and caught a slight buzz. It was too premature to get a good high only 2 weeks into flowering. I dont know what to make of it when you figure it out lemme know.


they are cold, it is genetics, lots of plants turn purple outside this time of the year, where are u located, they should have budded more already, they look good do not worry about pruple its only a good thing


what is bad about it, if anything it adds bag appeal, nothing bad about that imo, if anything thats a good thing, cold weather promotes flowering, produces hormones necessary for flower, reduces stretching and increasing trichomes(low rh which is very common in colder, dryer air), this is all proven and all sounds good to me, no? cold weather = cold plants = purple buds, goes down the line
dude i live in ohio and have a patch of 40 out and they are all doing the same thing mine are about 8ft. and in scared as hell cause i never seen it before and nobody can seem to tell me what it is