Outdoor, Potted, Multi-Strain Grow

Alright! Hi there, everyone! This is only my third ever grow. My first grow was an abysmal indoor failure, my second was a 2 plant grow, where I wasn't entirely sure what the strain was, but it smelled intensely like grapefruit, so it was one of those citrus-like grapefruit strains, haha, this year, I have 4 separate strains I have purchased from a seed bank so I knew exactly what I was growing. I am going to use this method for the rest of the grows that I do. Hopefully they will all be females, as I purchased feminized seeds.

Top Left is Bubbalicious from Nirvana Seed Bank.
Top Right is White Widow from Vision Seed Bank
Bottom Left is Northern Lights from Vision Seed Bank
Bottom Right is Medusa from Nirvana Seed Bank

I am hoping to get some people checking in on the grow over the course of the summer and letting me know what you think. Last year I got 2.7 ounces per plant in relatively small pots, and planted rather late (close to the end of May). This year, we planted these suckers in Mid March. The Bubbalicious is the tallest right now at about 6 inches, but they are starting to grow pretty quick.

I used a potting soil / top soil mix in them, so the fertilizer is already in there, and whenever we cook vegetables, we toss the veggie water in them for extra nutrients. But that's about all we have been doing. A little extra ferts will go in when they are bigger and getting in toward the flowering stage, but let me know what you guys think! Hopefully they are looking good for their age! Comment away, everyone!
Also, I was wondering if it is normal that the White Widow's leaves get that white kind of coloring to them. The plant itself seems perfectly healthy, and even the white leaves aren't wilting. I have seen plants wilt and turn yellow and get sick, and what-not, but this doesn't seem to be getting any of that. It is just turning white. So I was a little confused. Hopefully the plant is alright. Any advice is much appreciated! ^__^


Well-Known Member
hey there. I cant be of great help since this is my first grow ever but I have like exactly the same setup (potted outdoors). I am wondering about the size of the pot that got you 2.7 oz per plant?
I am using 3 gal pots (I estimated the size : emptied 50L (13.2 US gal ) of soil in 3 pots and they are 3/4 filled). 3 dried ounces per plant will be awesome. that will last me for the next grow :)

cheers and goodluck mate :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Also, I was wondering if it is normal that the White Widow's leaves get that white kind of coloring to them. The plant itself seems perfectly healthy, and even the white leaves aren't wilting. I have seen plants wilt and turn yellow and get sick, and what-not, but this doesn't seem to be getting any of that. It is just turning white. So I was a little confused. Hopefully the plant is alright. Any advice is much appreciated! ^__^
Either P.M. or possibly bleaching.
hey there. I cant be of great help since this is my first grow ever but I have like exactly the same setup (potted outdoors). I am wondering about the size of the pot that got you 2.7 oz per plant?
I am using 3 gal pots (I estimated the size : emptied 50L (13.2 US gal ) of soil in 3 pots and they are 3/4 filled). 3 dried ounces per plant will be awesome. that will last me for the next grow :)

cheers and goodluck mate :bigjoint:
To tell you the truth, I am not sure of the exact size of the planters that I used for the grow where I got 2.7 per plant. But, I would say that they were about the size of 1 and a half basketballs. Hahaha. I know that's a pretty ridiculous way of explain it, but it's about the only way I could think of explaining. They really weren't all that big. ^__^
I mean, at least not HUGE. This year, Medusa is in a monster sized planter, so I am hoping she will get pretty big. Bubba is in one of the planters I used last year, though, so when I get home I will take a picture of the planter and the plant so that you can see the size of it. ^__^

Thanks a lot for the comment and the well wishes! Hopefully this grow goes well!
I know that I have been smoking the weed I grew last year since October, just off of the 2.7 ounces all year. I split it into 1/4 ounce bags and just have 1 bag per month, and it has lasted me perfectly well. I still have 4 bags, so I am good until harvest time for these ones! Hahah. (I was using my Mom's place to grow because it has a perfect back yard for it, and we split it, so we only had 2.7 each, haha).


Well-Known Member
Not that ridiculous. I tend not to complicate things when growing too. It grows naturally in my country, giving it some extra little care could only help it be a happier plant :)
Your good, it's a white mildew (mold) that will turn your leaves white. You can tell by seeing if you can wipe it of you leaves.
Ahh! Gotcha! It is definitely not a mildew. It doesn't come off of the leaves at all. I will upload some new shots today, as the plant looks a bit better now. ^__^
Okay. So even in the small amount of time since Tuesday, the plants have gotten slightly bigger. ^__^
I took a picture of the plants and the pots that they are in. The order is:
White Widow
Northern Lights

Alright, so I have an update to show you guys. I am really surprised, but I have two Auto-Flowering breeds here. They are the White Widow and the Northern Lights. I have never grown Auto-Flowering strains before, but do they grow their bud really fast?? I looked at the plants today and realized that they are both growing white hairs already (Trichomes). Is it normal for them to be getting these so early in the season? And also, when they are this small? Here are some pics:

White Widow

I know they are a little hard to see on this one--the picture is a little blurry, but the bottom right shows the hairs there, and if you look beneath the top set of leaves on the left picture, you can see them a little. Not many, but they are starting.

Northern Lights

Again, I know that it is a little blurry, but they are pretty apparent in the left picture. I mean, as you can see the plant isn't all that large as of yet, it is rather small. I have not seen a plant so little start to get the trichomes like this. :/

The other two, the Bubbalicious and the Medusa don't have any at all, but they aren't Auto-Flowering strains, so I am guessing that is why. Here they are:

Medusa - TOP
Bubbalicious - BOTTOM

Autos nearly skip veg period. Its normal bro.
Add some soil to the stretchy plant
Yeah, I went online and did a bit of research after I posted before. I just didn't realize the difference between Auto-Flowering and Regular plants. Now I just have to wait and see how much less the yield is on them.
As for adding soil to the Bubba, I will make sure it gets done. xD


Well-Known Member
That is not trichomes you are looking at, it's called a pistol. Trichomes will form latter on down the line. And yes that is normal for an auto to start that early on. What do you mean you don't see a difference between them? They are very different.
That is not trichomes you are looking at, it's called a pistol. Trichomes will form latter on down the line. And yes that is normal for an auto to start that early on. What do you mean you don't see a difference between them? They are very different.
No, no, no. I didn't say that I didn't see the difference between the two plants. I said that I didn't understand what the difference was before I started growing them. ^__^
I see a huge difference between the two types, but I just didn't realize how Auto-Flowering plants worked before I did this grow. But I am very impressed to see the way that they work. Depending on the Yield I get from them, I just might stick with Auto-Flowering plants from here-on in. Haha.

I guess the Trichomes are the balls on the end of the pistols then, that slowly become amber colored? I am still pretty new to growing. I have only done 1 grow before this one. (Two if you count my failed very first attempt, hahaha)


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of people that are totally against auto flower plants. I think they have their place in the right scene. Every one has different needs, it's the only option for some. If auto's are your only option I think it's way better than the black market. I mean you know what strain and how its grown, don't really know what your getting on the street.
There is a lot of people that are totally against auto flower plants. I think they have their place in the right scene. Every one has different needs, it's the only option for some. If auto's are your only option I think it's way better than the black market. I mean you know what strain and how its grown, don't really know what your getting on the street.
I know what you mean, for sure. But I mean, if they give decent yields, and remain small as they do, so they are discreet, then I don't see why people would not like them. xD
It isn't my only option at all (as two of the plants are regular, not auto-flowers, so I don't mind growing the regular plants), but if I find that my White Widow and Northern Lights Autos do well, I will likely stick with Autos, as they grow quickly and keep small. xD
Alright guys! I have another update for you! The plants have EXPLODED. I couldn't believe the progress they have made from last week to now! However, the Medusa and Bubbalicious seem to have the THICKEST leaves I have ever seen. And I mean that not in bushiness, but in the actual width of the leaves. I will let the pictures explain, but the leaves are just very wide, fat looking leaves. Haha. So, here are the pictures of Bubbalicious and Medusa:

Medusa is the top two photos, Bubba is the bottom two.

Northern Lights and White Widow, however, are both doing very well too! Northern Lights is getting a lot hairier than it was before. Here is what it looks like right now:

And last, but not least, the white widow. It is getting a little bit more hairy than it was before, but it is not blowing up too much. But the plant's size is definitely keeping up with all the others. =]

Let me know what you guys think!! =]
Alright guys! I have a big update here on the plants. They have exploded over the last couple weeks. The growth rate is pretty amazing. Except for Northern Lights. I don't know if the Northern Lights Auto-Flower is just going to be a tiny tiny plant with just one big cola bud on it, and that's it, but it is kind of worrisome to me, so if you guys think there is anything wrong with how the plants look, PLEASE let me know. ^__^
Without further adieu, however, I shall begin the pictures. First, here is a picture of all of the plants sitting in a row so you can see how big they are and the potters they are in:

From LEFT to RIGHT: Medusa, Bubbalicious, Northern Lights, White Widow

As you can see, Northern Lights is just such a ridiculously tiny plant right now, and it doesn't seem to be growing much either. However, it is PACKED with hairs. Here is a closer shot of Northern Lights:

See what I mean?? The full stem is bud galore, but I just don't feel like the thing is growing at all. Is it normal for Northern Lights to just grow one big bud, and that's it? Just thought it was kind of strange how it never actually branched up and grew at all.
As for the OTHER Auto-Flower I have: White Widow, it is growing bud all over the place on different branches, instead of staying packed in like Northern Lights. Here is White Widow:

The difference is pretty huge between them, I find. The White Widow seems to continuously grow, and it is getting its bud all over the place, and I feel that the multiple branches will really fill in over the next month or so as the bud comes in strong. But I don't know. It just seems so much healthier to me than the Northern Lights.
Last but not least, there is no bud growing yet on either the Medusa, or the Bubbalicious, so I just took the regular four frame of them, so that you can see the canopy and the side-view of them. Bubbalicious is on top, Medusa is on the bottom of the picture.

So, if you guys have anything to input here, let me know! I would love to know how all of you think the plants look!