Outdoor Plants Are Ceasing To Bud!


I am here in Northern California , and we have been having the strangest weather. I usually put my plants out in the beginning of April and they grow nice and big and flower mid to late August. Well this year we have been having really weird weather that has been cold all the way up the the first week of June which is normally already extremely hot. I put my plants out in the begging of May thinking that it was late enough, but I was wrong. 2 of my biggest plants the White Russian and the Blue Dream started budding. They are like 3 weeks maybe more into budding, but now that the weather is normal and its hot with daylight savings, so many of the kolas have grown thin to the point where it is just leaves again. Many of the buds are nice and icy and I am very worried about the plant. Question s: 1. If I let it stop budding will it still produce good tree later? 2. If I let it stop budding what do I do about the icy buds that have already formed? 3. Should I try a nutrient supplement like Open Sesame to try and promote continued flowering?


Well-Known Member
You can't control buding it only happens with the correct light schedual.it has reverted back to veg and yes later on in the year you will have monsters and open sesame helps the plant get ready to flower a lil faster


Well-Known Member
Cut the nice buds off, they will just sit there fluff up and rot.Even think about cutting the plants back to the lower vegging alt nodes, as these are the ones that will grow best now the plant has already flowered.