Outdoor plant, tips of buds turning brown and falling off?


Im having the same problems. should i bring my plant inside and put the grow light on it or shouold i harvest now?!??!?! help!!!!


Well-Known Member
BT is what you all need. cut out the bad stuff and some of the good stuff by the bad stuff and apply BT


I'm afraid it is too late to do anything but try and salvage what is left. I know you don't want to hear that but it is the truth.
Here is some info for your peace of mind about the problem and next time.
You are far from the only one hit with this and yes it sucks.


ok i got a bud worm today dont freak out just chop the bud kill the worm and look for tiny little yellow balls on your plants. If you bud tops turn brown dig in them and find the worm, You could use a bug screen. If you see white butter flys near your plants they are moths they will fuck and lay eggs on your plants every day do keep an evey out and crush those fuckers.