Outdoor plant died..what happened?


Well-Known Member
the way it died was leaves got all yellow and then shriveled up.

this plant did have some vole damage but this problem doesn't look like something was eating at it...its just like split...this happened all over the plant..
Can you tell us what you did that was abnormal of your care with her? I fucked up & killed one of my ladys by placing Milar under her in early july within two hours of me placing it under her to reflect light. Mistakes where made. Did you feed her somthing new?

she does look a little damaged, but it looks like she healed on the splits.
her stem still looks alive but im no doctor.

Maybe she took the nutes from her leaves to fix the splits?
Plants do that kinda stuff.


Well-Known Member
the outer layer of the stem was soft and could be wiped off almost...kind of white looking...but only in some parts...is that a fungus? damn i guess i should look for that...maybe could have used sulfur it only affected 1 plant out of over 10

the strain was headband

it got kind of cold at night lately..and humid mornigs

i fed it 2 weeks ago


Well-Known Member
Could have been anything - plants can get fatal fungal and viral infections as well. One nasty is tobacco mosaic virus - did you smoke tobacco near her?? Just a guess, though.


Active Member
any holes in the side of plants stem anywhere....ive seen borer worms kill plants,,they eat the inside of the whole stem and you plant starves to death..


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell with the picture not showing enough of the disease. If it were an airborne fungus the leaves with resin on them would have been 1st hit or at least hit as well with the stem. If it's just the stem get a razor blade and slice it open and see if you find and worms or some sort of other insect that bores it's way in. There's also the roots to consider. Nematodes can kill a plant. Was the plant in the ground? If so, what was planted in the previous year? Was it getting enough air flow?