outdoor plant camouflage


Hello all,

first time grower here. Have one plant outside since early to mid july. Its about 18 inches to two feet high. Stem is thick, plant doing excellent. I'm concerned about neighbors spotting the plant as it grows taller. There's a large bush beside it (maybe 3 + feet tall) and some weeds growing around it. Not sure what strain it is, grown from bagseed. But on average and with the the grow time left here (central PA), how tall would you guess this plant to grow and what are some things to do as far as hiding it? thanks


Active Member
Depending on your setup, you could try Low Stress training (LST). This is where you bend the plant stem and tie it down. Hemp is amazingly strong and flexible and can actually be trained to grow, indeed thrive and flower like this. You will get a bushier plant with multiple colas, and can generally keep 'em under three feet tall. Some people get them much smaller. Search for LST and you will find a lot. Growing them with tomatoes also works well as tomatoes can get rather tall and are the same color. Good luck avoiding detection.


Well-Known Member
If you have the cash go to the nursury and buy some big bushes already in pots. Just block the view with them.

Save them for next year or just plant them to camo your plant.

Look for a native bush in your area. This way you do not have to water them.


Active Member
if it gets to tall man just cut the main head off a bit.. it will eventually grow back to two heads but this depends on how much time u got left, the more you " top " something the more bushier it tends to get.. i did this with my ladies because i've been doing one of those camoflauged grows with short shrubs around

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
if it gets to tall man just cut the main head off a bit.. it will eventually grow back to two heads but this depends on how much time u got left, the more you " top " something the more bushier it tends to get.. i did this with my ladies because i've been doing one of those camoflauged grows with short shrubs around
I agree with LSTing it. should be okay as we are nearing the end of season, I'd think?


I agree with LSTing it. should be okay as we are nearing the end of season, I'd think?

ok thanks. Yeah, i am guessing flowering to start in early september and mebbe harvest (if female) in october....But again, this is my first try and i don't know... thanks for the tips , i will check out the LST, and i like the bush ideas for temporary cover....


I'm curious to know how some of these 'late season' grown turn out. I live in SoCal, and my planst have been flowering for over a month now, and we are still a month away from the proverbial '12-12' solar cycle.

Good luck and hope your buds are fat!


Well-Known Member
it'll have a lot to do with which strains finish out quicker i think....cuz I have some plants that haven't even started flowering yet....lets put it this way...i know they are females but thats about it...