Outdoor pins yall!!!


Well-Known Member
yea i suggested the salt removal in case it rained and it got dripped into the smurf village..i didnt want papa smurfs blood pressure to rise..thatd be smurfin smurfed up!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome! We been having some COLD assn nights lately. That damn polar vortex shit from the northpole sending its cold front back down here has made the last 3 days 65-70 and 50-55 at night! I think today/tonight is the last day of this abnormal weather :)
Could you cover them at night to keep them protected?


Well-Known Member
oxygen is needed but i think maybe a clear plastic over couldnt keep em air tight to where its detrimental..


Well-Known Member
From what I gathered at Shroomery, according to RR he says he has fruited in low 50s - 40s at night they only take a cpl days longer to mature. SO I think they should be good :)


Well-Known Member
out side they are hardy mo fo in their own right...
I wonder why that is? I heard of people taking contaminated cakes and tossing them outside with manure and getting harvests. What about the outside makes it do that? I never understood that.


Well-Known Member
im guessing the perfectness of the conditions must be hard to come across for the organism,so when it does find a home,it beefs
up for protection..lets face it,its only protection in the wild is the fact it will fuck you up,something that might make you think twice before eating it again,but at that point its too late for the mushroom..so for natural enemys such as weather,they are very resilliant for the preservation of their species..at least thats my 2 cents on it...


Well-Known Member
don't forget that the actual mushroom is fine. It is under the ground chaining mycelium at a tremendous rate. The fruit only needs to open and release spores, a few hours is good enough.