Outdoor: one of my plants got bud rot...what about the rest?


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU.

Two of my advanced flowered outdoor plants got rot bud.

Before continuing:
Im sure when was bud rot developed.
Lately it's been raining a lot and since the plants were pretty much advanced into flowering, i put them inside to save them from the rain.
Thing is that my room got flooded with water that leaked from the roof.
So room was flooded, having high humidity. And sun came out after the rains, so plants were there with high humidity and high temps.

Going back to the plants:

One was totally discarded.

The other one was partially discarded and partially harvested and the rest is still in the pot.
I mean: i removed some big branches and saved some unaffected bud. And left the rest of the plant in the pot.

So first thing is:

In the case of the partially harvested plant Is it OK to remove only affected buds? Or should i discard the whole plant, even i have buds without rot still maturing?

Second question:

What about the rest of the plants? I'm pretty sure the have spores on them, but there are not conditions to the fungus to "activate".
I always though that those spores are everywhere and was not much of a problem if the fungus doesn't start. But now i've read that i shouldn't some those plants even the don't develop bud rot at all?

You can smoke the good buds, only the rotted ones go into trash. I know a few that make hash from rotted buds but I wouldn't. I respect my lungs too much. Greenhouse seeds has a plant called the church, supposed to be 100% mold resistant. So they say! I live in bad area for mold and pm. If you find another cultivar that is resistant id like to know please. Thanks
You can smoke the good buds, only the rotted ones go into trash. I know a few that make hash from rotted buds but I wouldn't. I respect my lungs too much. Greenhouse seeds has a plant called the church, supposed to be 100% mold resistant. So they say! I live in bad area for mold and pm. If you find another cultivar that is resistant id like to know please. Thanks
Serious 6 is supposed to have good mold resistance-I like it as a good short season 90% sativa, one of the few I've been able to bring to harvest in the northern states. Kali China from Ace is another with good mold/cold resistance.
I suggest googling salicylic acid + botrytis. They've done a lot of studies on pre/postharvest treatment (of grapes mainly) to prevent/treat botrytis infection (bud rot). Some of the studies have shown that acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) works just as well as salicylic acid...so that might be something you could try. Pick off the good buds, wash them (gently) in a bath of say, 1 aspirin per gallon of water-then dry well. Do you have someplace with the right RH to dry your buds? You can also wash them with h202-hell, I'd one, then the other if I had it. Here is one of the studies. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168160520303019

We haven't touched the surface of what salicylic acid can do for cannabis plants yet, it's one of my areas of interest.
Sorry i didn't reply earlier!

I'm thinking about washing my next harvest, so will try the aspirin since i know spores are in the aire because of the plant that got bud rot.