Outdoor ohio green questions!


New Member
1. Is it too late to plant?
2. What seeds should I buy to plant that will take my state climates, also grow FAST, SHORT, & GOOD AMOUNT OF BUDS WHEN HARVESTED?

also if its too late I may buy an indoor seeds and make A pc grow room!..
any ideas or suggestions let me know thanks guys!


Active Member
Its not too late....you just wont have a large plant....pretty small actually. Probably bigger than a pc grow tho. Consider some autos too.


Active Member
Oh and you should move south hahaha. Jk but I had a harvest outside on like Jan 4 this year. Good luck mate!


New Member

  • Thanks man what are the cheapest autos? and a good place to order because im broke! lol
    also should I plant them into the ground or pots?​



Active Member
google The Attitude or Sea of Seeds. They both have great variety and prices. I would go with pot maybe bcuz you are up north and if it gets too cold you could bring it inside. As far as autos the only strain I finished was Cream Caramel auto from sweet seeds and it was really good. Make sure you use some good soil. I use ocean forest. Have fun mate.


Active Member
Oh and if you use a pot make sure it is at least 11litres. Autos like to be sprouted in the same pot you will finish them in. so no transplantimg unless you have to


New Member
okay thank you sooo much also if you have any spare seeds will you throw them at me if i pay for shipping?


Active Member
Sorry mate all my beans are growing! Any bag seeds will do too. Especially for a first grow. If you want to know your genetics save up and order some. You might have to do the pc grow you were talking about since it will more than likely be too cold by the time you get them.


Active Member
I have some friends that only grow outside in Ohio. It is definitely at the tail end of the planting time. They put some clones out recently and they should be OK since they are already rooted. They will end up smaller, but should still get some bud off them. If you are starting from seeds I think it may be too late for you... unless you are way far south in the state.
My outdoors are a big bush now, but my concern is them finishing..... I recently checked the sunrise/set and we don't get less than 12 hours until late september(24th) was the estimate on the timeanddate.com. anyhow, I'm sure either they start flowering before there is really less than 12 hours of sunlight or people just wait until the first frost and/or cover and harvest it before it's hit the full maturity. Any insight on this?

edit:They haven't even started to flower yet. I know they are female as they are clones, but still no sign of flowering yet.
My outdoors are a big bush now, but my concern is them finishing..... I recently checked the sunrise/set and we don't get less than 12 hours until late september(24th) was the estimate on the timeanddate.com. anyhow, I'm sure either they start flowering before there is really less than 12 hours of sunlight or people just wait until the first frost and/or cover and harvest it before it's hit the full maturity. Any insight on this?

edit:They haven't even started to flower yet. I know they are female as they are clones, but still no sign of flowering yet.
The plant's biochemistry causes it to flower. That chemical responsible for flowering increases as light decreases so as soon as the days start getting shorter that chemicals production should increase/kick in. As the days get shorter that chemical will increase and continue the flowering process. The indoor switching of the light schedule is just a faster way of switching over the plants biochemistry quicker and causing the flowering. If you plant from clones rather than seed your plant will be more sexually mature and start flowing very soon after the longest day of the year.

Even in NE Ohio, it's still June and flowering has already started outside (clones that were planted in late April or early May). Keep in mind that even if we get over 12 hours of light until Sept 24th, the chemical process that initiates flowering starts as soon as the days start consistently getting shorter (the summer solstice I think usually June 20-22 in Northern Hemisphere).

As you read before for this area it has only been 8-10 days since solstice and I already noticed flowering on these clone transplants! There are many factors for flowering time, but there is a huge boost given by using clones because they are from a plant that has already been matured and determined to be female. As soon as the chemical change kicks in they seem to enter flowering very fast.

If this helps you I would greatly appreciate the + rep.
Also remember, in the same way that human biochemistry can be influenced by heredity, age, or environment, a plant's genetics can greatly influence how quickly a plant will begin to flower and mature. The change in light schedule will initiate the change in the chemicals that cause flowering in most cannabis strains, but factors like genetics may influence how much and how fast this chemical change occurs. Look into as many of the fine details of your individual circumstances as you can. Climate, genetics, nutrition and weather patterns all have the ability to affect a grow in a positive or negative way.